Chapter 5

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Louis nearly gets in a wreck on the way to school monday morning because he's too busy thinking about Harry. It's an issue, really, how easily he became infatuated with him. It isn't normal to be able to see him that clearly in his imagination. Louis knows he has a problem, and he knows he's probably going to get hurt, but so far it seems worth it.

The only thing is, he has no idea how Harry will act when he walks into class. In fact, he dwells on this so much he doesn't even speak to Zayn all of first period, and he has a knot in his stomach as he makes his way towards Psychology.

He walks in and Harry is in the same seat he's sat in every day so far, only today there's another empty seat next to it. He grins when he sees Louis, who takes a breath of relief.

"I saved you a seat," he tells him with a smile. Louis takes it and watches in amusement as Eleanor comes in and realizes she's going to be sitting alone today. Louis can be a bitch sometimes.

Harry is dressed basically the same as every other day, but he has a denim jacket over his band tee instead of a flannel. Louis checks out the shirt.

"Arctic Monkeys?" he nods at Harry's shirt, Harry grins again (Louis really can't stand when he does that, because it makes his pants too tight in all the wrong places).

"Yeah, they're one of my favorites," he explains.

Louis grins back because Harry's smile is contagious and it's impossible not to, really, "Me too."

Harry leans back with a satisfied look, "You impress me more and more every day."

Louis laughs and bites his tongue to keep from saying something extremely inappropriate. The teacher begins his lecture, and they'e pretty quiet the rest of the period.

Louis got all his stuff spread out on his desk when the bell rings, so it takes him a while to get gathered up. When he looks up, he and Harry are alone in the classroom. Harry moves closer to him, "It's really hard to keep from doing this for an entire class period," he says as he kisses him.

A horrified look spreads over Louis face as he pulls away, checking to make sure no one saw. He holds quickly shuts the classroom door and returns to the other boy. When he gets back to Harry he wraps his arms around him.

They only kiss for a second when Louis pulls back again, "My next class is on the other side of the school," he says as he leaves Harry in the room. Keep your distance, Louis. Don't let him take you that easily, he tells himself.


He does a really good job avoiding Harry the rest of the day, probably just because he doesn't normally see him after second period anyways. He isn't sure why he's avoiding him, honestly. At this point, he's just doing it to prove that he can. In seventh period, he sees Josh Devine, and he remembers Harry telling him that they are kind of friends.

"Hey Josh," Louis walks up to him, even as he does it he doesn't know why.

"Uh, hey, Louis," Josh is pretty popular, he runs around with Niall and Perrie's group, who are all just generally well liked. Louis isn't particularly friends with Josh, but they have several mutual friends, and they've hung out on more than one occasion.

"So, um, you know Harry Styles, right?" Once again, Louis has no idea what he's doing.

"Yeah, we've got a few classes together," Josh answers.

Louis doesn't really know what to say next, but he can't walk away without seeming really fucking weird. He is  fucking weird, and he still has absolutely no clue why he put himself in this situation, but he needs to say something before Josh thinks he's an absolute freak.

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