Chapter 6

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Harry was on top of him, hot and heavy in the back of Louis' car. It wasn't comfortable, but they were making do. Because Louis' had teased him hard in Psychology, he'd promised him a make out session after school. Harry wiped the adorable pout off his face at this promise, and at 3 o'clock they were in Louis' car going at it.

Just like last time, Louis had a burning desire to go even farther. Fuck, if Harry said the word he'd have his pants off in a second, but he didn't. They just kissed and never went any farther, and that was ok, it really was, but Louis was lying if he said he didn't want more.

You see, Harry's got everything going for him. He's got charming good looks, an irrestible, deep, raspy voice, and green eyes that make Louis' heart stop. Not to mention he's tall and has an incredible body. It's not fair, how perfect he is. Even when he wears ripped skinny jeans and converse and tshirts, he looks perfect.

For reason's Louis can't explain, Harry feels the same way about him. Louis recognizes his adoring glances because he's become so accustomed to giving them as well. When he's with Harry, they are constantly touching, and not in a sexual way. It can be as little as their arms pressed together. They both have a mutual agreement that as long as they are in the same room, they are making physical contact.

Harry's lips are still pressed hard to Louis. Finally, Louis is convinced that Harry is trying to steal the air from his lungs. Harry's tongue explores Louis' mouth, and ocasionally Louis lets out quiet moans of pleasure. Harry leaves barely-there kisses on his jawline on his way down to Louis' neck. When he reaches it, he sucks hard and bites softly, and Louis knows that the mark he leaves behind will be hard to explain.

Harry moves down a bit and begins to leave a simliar mark near Louis' collarbone when he lets out the gasp he'd been trying to hold in. Harry pulls back, "Did that hurt? Sorry babe."

Louis laughs a bit, "No- Fuck, Harry- Feels Good- More," he says breathlessly. Harry laughs too. He bites his lip instead of moving back in on Harry.

"Do you want to- um, go to my house?" he asks nervously.

Louis grins and nods. Harry kisses him again with a smile on his face. Louis cards his hand thorugh his mass of curls before getting into the drivers seat. He drives admittedly faster than necissary on the way to Harry's house, but he can't help himself. He doesn't know what Harry has planned, but he hopes it involves him getting off first, because Harry's got him really fucking hard.

When he parks outside of Harry's house, he only has a second to think about the fact that this is his first time to actually go in. Harry quickly rushes him through the front door and up a set of stairs and then into a bedroom. Louis tries to take it in, but he doesn't really have time. He does notice quite a few obscure band posters and a patterned bedspread.

Harry locks the door behind them and pushes Louis back onto the bed. He licks his lips as he slowly straddles Louis.

"Is this ok?" He asks, Louis nods feverishly.

Harry presses his lips down on Louis' and slowly works open his mouth, letting his tongue slide in to the other boy's mouth. Louis' hands start on Harry's upper back and roam downward to his ass. Once again, Harry lets his lips move across Louis' jawline on their way down to his neck. This time, when they reach the bruise he'd left earlier, he tugs off Louis' shirt. He goes for Louis' collarbone and Louis' bites his lip to keep from letting out a loud moan.

It only takes a second for Louis' to realize that he really wants Harry''s shirt off too. He tugs at it enough for Harry to get the point, and to take it off on his own. It's the first time Louis' has seen him like that, and he hadn't realized just how many tattoos he had. Some other time, he wanted to ask about them all. He was sure they all had their own specific meaning, and he really wanted to get to know them all. Now he just wanted to get off.

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