Chapter 14

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The sun shines through the grass, illuminating it with this incredible yellow light. Louis wants to take a picture, to remember this moment forever.

Harry brought them back. He blindfolded Louis and led him all the way here. They must have looked like quite a spectical to the entire neighborhood, but not anymore so than when they ran through naked. When he'd taken the blindfold off of Louis, he had a picnic basket all ready. There was also a guitar, but so far Harry hadn't mentioned that and Louis hadn't either.

"You reallly like picnics, don't you?" Louis teases.

It's a simple lunch, sandwhiches and tea and cookies that Harry says he made himself. Louis lays on his back after eating, absolutely, completly content.

"Um- Lou?" Harry clears his throat a bit.

Louis sits up halfway, leaning on his elbow to look at his boyfriend, "Yeah babe?"

"I'm not sure how to do this, but- I wrote you a song?" Harry fidgets a bit, picking up his guitar. There's a stool too, and Louis isn't sure how he didn't notice it earlier.

"You- you what?" It doesn't really make sense. Harry never mentioned he could play guitar, or write songs, or even sing for that matter. Louis feels like he should have known this.

"I, I know it's dumb- I just heard it in my head and then I wrote it, and yeah- It's stupid," he looks so damn cute, even when he's insecure.

"No, babe, I want to hear it. I'm sure it's wonderful," Louis encourages him.

"It's a bit rough- I'm not sure if I have the verses like I want them, and I've only got one-" Harry rambles.

Louis grins a bit to himself, "I love it already."

Harry shifts on his stool, nodding. He clears his throat again and begins strumming. It's a wonderful sound, light and happy. Louis thinks that if their relationship had a theme song, it would be this- Harry strumming his guitar, then he opens his mouth and Louis mentally records it all to play back in his mind over and over again.

You don't understand, you don't understand

What you do to me when you hold my hand.

We were meant to be like Will and Kate

Please promise me you'll never walk away.

'Cause we're on fire.

We are on on fire.

We're on fire now.

Yeah, we're on fire.

We are on fire.

We're on fire now.

I don't care what people say when we're together.

You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep.

I just want it to be you and I forever.

I know you wanna leave.

So come on baby be with me

So happily.

He stops strumming and coughs awkwardly, "So- um, that's it."

"Fuck, Harry," Is all that Louis can get out. He knows he should say something big and romantic, about how much he loves him, but for once in his life, he's absolutely speechless. No one has ever put this much effort into anything involving Louis in his entire life. No one has ever wrote him a song before. No one has ever cared enough. It's all a bit overwehelming, really.

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