Chapter 13

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They won the costume contest.

Of course they won, they went as fucking Kim and North West, how wouldn't they have won? Honestly, finding this out was the only thing that actually made sense the morning after the party. Still, no one had any clue why they'd woken up in a field. Louis swears they were abudcted by aliens or something.

Their prize was pretty shitty too. Of course a day ago, Louis would have been thrilled to get all the leftover alcohol, but now, he just wants to puke.

After they leave Perrie's, they decide to go back to Harry's.

"We can sleep a bit, my parents are at work," Harry tells him as they walk through the door.

"Is it ok if I take a shower?" Louis asks him, "I'd sleep better if I were clean."

Harry smirks at him, "Mind if I join you?"

Of fucking course I don't mind, "Not at all."

So they strip down. Louis isn't shy in front of Harry anymore. In fact, he really has no clue why he was shy in front of Harry in the first place. Harry sure isn't shy in front of him, stripping out of the t-shirt and gym shorts Perrie had loaned him, out of his own boxers, and then looking up at Louis. Harry turns the shower on warm. Louis figures it'll be cool to him, because he likes his showers only slightly cooler than the pits of hell. He follows Harry's lead and removes all his clothes.

Of course, water temperature is pretty fucking irrelevant when you shower with someone else. Everything is pretty irrelevant, save for you and the other person. Louis isn't sure exactly how sanitary this really is, but the water rinsing them off has to count for something. They stay in the shower until Harry tells him that the hot water has run out. Louis doesn't notice, not really, he just gets out of the shower and towels off.

"Bed now?" Harry asks once Louis is dry.

Louis nods, "Bed," he agrees.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Harry asks again, he looks nervous. Louis stretches his arm palm-up on the table.

"I'm sure," he tells the boy.

Harry nods, "We could, I don't know- go somewhere to do this."

Louis shakes his head, "I want you to do it."

Harry bites his lip, "What should it say?"

"What comes to mind?"

"The first time we met," He tells Louis.

Louis frowns, "In AP Psych?"

Harry's eyebrows knit together, "No, before that. It was in the bathroom. I bumped into you and said 'Oops,' and you said, 'Hi,' and I was really confused. You were so confident, I kind of watched you for a while. Then this year we had that class together, then we were partners-"

Louis' nods and cuts Harry off, "I remember that, sort of," he frowns to himself, "Not as much as I'd like to, but- vaugely. I like that, do that."

Harry looks down at Louis' arm, "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Louis gives him a reassuring smile.

Harry picks the pen up in his hand, it's someting Zayn had taught Louis a while ago, in case he ever wanted to do it. A way of creating a stick-and-poke pen that was a little more effective.

He's not sure where the idea came from, it just kind of- happened. One day he was tracing Harry's tattoos, then he had a sort of ephiphany, "I want one," he'd announced. Harry had frowned, "Want what?" "A tattoo!" "Of?" "I don't know, but I want you to do it."

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