Chapter 1

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Louis’ from one of those places that is too big to be called a town but too small to be called a city. It's a university town. Years earlier, his parents had moved there for school, then they met, got married, and never left. Of course, there had been a divorce and remarriage in there too, but Louis tended to leave out details. When Louis was younger, he'd do innocent things like go to the bowling alley or the movies. As he grew up, he tended to get smashed at the clubs with his fake I.D. and an alarmingly small amount of self control.

He tried in school, he really did, but it was just hard because he just fucking hated everyone there. Finally, he told himself that he had to try really hard so he could get a scholarship and leave this damn town. He knew it was the only way, because his parents told him that if he wanted to go off for college he'd have to pay for it himself.

Louis didn't absolutely hate his hometown, not as much as he made it seem like, at least. He'd had a good childhood. His parents didn't really love him as much as he had hoped they would, but that just comes with growing up.

His high school was one big cliche. It was basically every stupid high school movie (minus High School Musical or Fame or Grease or anything where they sang all the time) rolled into one giant ball of shit. Louis had quite a few friends, but he hated almost all of them except for Zayn.

Zayn was probably the best thing to ever happen to Louis. They'd been best friends since the third grade, when they were in the same class and Louis told Zayn that he looked "like a baby badass" and had to go to the principals office for cursing. Zayn was just as crazy as Louis, and just as wild. They'd been with each other for everything from loosing their teeth to loosing their virginity.

Louis screamed at his mom when she woke him up for the first day of school. His very last first day of school. One more year and he was out of here.

"You have to go, Louis, It's the first day." She pleaded with him.

He didn't budge, "They're satanic, they make me worship satan. Do you want your son going to a place where he's forced to worship the devil on a daily basis? Is that really what you want for your child?"

"Ok, I'll go get your father, and we'll see what he says," She tells him, finally.

Low Blow, mother. Louis thinks to himself before groaning and dragging himself out of bed.

Louis was late to everything, especially school. It probably had something to do with the fact that Louis took an unreasonably long time to get ready. Or with the fact that he didn't really care whether or not he was late.

So, naturally, Louis was late to school on the very first day. He ran into the classroom only seconds after the bell stopped ringing. Mrs. Cameron, his World History teacher still stood in the doorway. She stopped him before he could get into the calssroom.

“Late on the first day? Name, please," She said. She was young, probably only twenty-five or twenty-six. She had a strict repuation, but Louis had also heard a rumor that she was pregnant. Louis heard a lot of rumors, especially about himself. His favorite one was when someone supposedly saw Zayn fucking him under the bleachers. And then there was that one time when he walked past someone saying they'd heard he died.

“Name, plese," She said again, he snapped back to reality.

"But you weren't even in the classroom yet!" Loius begged.

“The bell had rang.” For a twenty-something she was definately a hardass, "Name."

"Louis Tomlinson," he groaned loudly as he went to the empty seat by Zayn. Louis was kind of known for being dramatic. At one point they'd given him the nickname "sassy" which he really didn't understand because he wasn't sassy he was just an asshole.

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