Chapter 12

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"C'mon, Harry for real. The party is tomorrow and I've had my costume for ages."

"I still don't understand why we can't be Shaggy and Scooby," Harry says again.

Louis sighs, "Because I'm not going to be a dog, I'm going to be Kimye's baby."

"I was going to be Scooby..."

Louis' face lights up excitedly, "I've got it!"

Harry sighs, "And?"

"You can be Kim and I'm your baby."

"I'm not being Kim Kardashian for halloween."

Louis puts on his best puppy dog face, "Harry? Please?"

Harry sighs again, because he knows there's no way he's beating Louis, "Fine."

"We're going to be the best, and now we can enter the duo category. Fuck, the world isn't prepared for us," he envelopes Harry in a tight hug and rushes off throught the store, picking up a wig and the various articles of clothing needed for Harry's costume.


"Do I have to do this?"

Louis nods, an evil grin on his face, "You look hot, babe, promise."

"I'm not going to fuck you in this costume," Harry tells him.

Louis frowns, "I wasn't-"

Harry bursts out laughing, and Louis gives him another evil stare, "Hold stilll, I'm almost done with your make-up."

He makes a few more adjustments to Harry's costume before adding the finishing touches to his own. He's wearing a onsie with the Versace logo on the front, and has a pacifier that's blinged out. Harry, on the other hand, is wearing a tight white dress, stuffed full to give him boobs and Kim Kardashian's famous ass. Louis forced him into a pair of white heels, as well, and his wig is way too realistic.

"We look like-" Harry begins.

"A gay couple?" Louis finishes.

Harry nods, "Fair enough."

Louis looks at the time, the party should be starting about now, which means they can leave and arrive fashionably late.

They walk from Harry's house to the next neighborhood over. It's Perrie's annual Halloween party, a tradition they've had since 5th grade. Of course, they've gotten gradually more extravagent and closer to X rated every year. This year, Perrie's convinced her parents to leave town for the weekend.

"Boys, Love the costumes. Kim and North West?" Perrie greets them with a hug. Harry nods at her with a smile. She's dressed as a slutty cop.

"Nice handcuffs," He comments as they enter the house.  "I liked you in that costume better," he tells Harry when Perrie is out of sight.

It's crowded, as usual. The entire house is decked out in orange and green and blacklight. Fake spider webs and pumpkins are in almost every corner. Louis' pretty disapointed by the lack of strange looks they get. Most people are dressed just as strange, actually. They head straight for the alcohol.

Finding a solo cup, he grabs the gallon bottle of vodka, filling his glass up past halfway. He searches for something to mix it with, and in the end he settles for orange juice.  He gives Harry a questioning look.

"Maybe a little less on mine?" Harry suggests, Louis nods.

He takes a sip of his concoction and winces. Fuck, alcohol tastes bad, but it's Halloween and that's basically a universal order to get shitfaced. Harry takes a sip of his own drink, slightly less strong, but Louis still notices the face he makes. Louis takes another, bigger sip, and already he feels a bit dizzy. Of course, his drink couldn't have been that strong... he doesn't let it show. Louis is a lot of things, but he's not a lightweight.

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