Chapter 10

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"C'mon, Lou, what's wrong?"

Louis shakes his head, "Nothing."

Harry doesn't give up that easily, no matter how much Louis wishes he would, "Louis, you've been in a bad mood for three days, what's going on?"

Louis sighs dramatically, "Are you ever going to ask me to be your boyfriend?"

"Am- What?" It's obvious Harry didn't expect this, but after a moment, he laughs, "Is that seriously what you've been all torn up over?"

Louis remains silent, so Harry takes that as a yes, that's exactly what I've been all torn up over.

"Louis, babe, you know you could have just asked me, or I don't know hint that you wanted that. I thought you wanted some low comitment kind of thing, especially after that morning on the roof," Harry's shaking his head a bit, almost in disbelief, "Louis Tomlinson, will you be my boyfriend?"

Harry laughs a bit after saying this, but Louis turns to him, "About fucking time," he kisses Harry despite the fact that he's driving (quite horribly, but Louis would deny that if anyone asked). Harry pushes back.

"Road, Lou. Don't really care to die right now."

Louis nods and turns back to the road. Harry speaks up again, "You know, that was a bit lame. If I didn't think you'd have been silent the enitre time, I would have waited and done something a bit more elaborate."

Louis smiles, "Awe, Haz. You're a helpless fucking romantic. I'm going to hold that against you for as long as you live."



Louis had never been nervous for this before. It had been an in the moment kind of thing all the other times, or he'd already done it with them once and didn't have anything to hide. With Harry, it was planned and there were candles and Harry looked at him with much more love in his eyes than Louis deserved.

In all actuality, Louis was doing a lot of things lately that he had never done before. For one, he had a boyfriend. His last three flings all ended before they got to this stage, well except for one. With Connor, Louis didn't see them being an item like this. He was too nice and too naive and Louis felt like he was taking advantage of him every time they were together.

With Harry it just felt right. From the very beginning, and then as a couple, and now in this physical way.

I mean it's not exactly like they hadn't done anything. Louis had already been naked with Harry, that wasn't the problem, fuck Louis had literally been sucked off by the boy. It wasn't the action so much as the meaning behind it.

Before today, Louis had never understood why people made sex into this huge sacred thing. Harry had changed Louis' opinion of it. He'd been so gentle and passionate and Louis could just see the caring in his eyes. Not only had Harry passed the very low bar set by his competition, but he'd completely fucking ruined Louis.

Afterward, they'd both been tired. Harry cleaned them up, and they cuddled in together. Harry fell asleep immediately, but Louis was still awake. He felt this glowing euphoria flowing through every fiber of his being as he held Harry close and focused on memorizing every inch of his skin. Sometimes, he'd get a rush in his mind that told him that he had to kiss Harry right then and right there, so he would. Harry didn't know, he was asleep, but Louis had devoted the last hour of his life to pressing soft lips to Harry's even softer skin and smiling like a sixth grader on Valentine's Day.

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