The Infant Chapter 23

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~~~~~Chapter 23: The final stand~~~~~

"Why hello Marie, what a pleasant surprise," Zargon says, in an amused tone. "But unfortunately, you missed the party." I turn my gaze from Zargon to the infant, laying helplessly on the ground. "It's over, you have no chance, don't you realise that you've come all this way for nothing?" Zargon looks overjoyed, but I still don't understand. What does he mean by 'it's over'? "What are you going on about?" I asked. "You see, the infant was originally supposed to be a hell girl, but since hell abandoned her, she became a cursed demon forever, but of course, she doesn't just stay that way forever," he explains, looking more amused by the minute. "Soon, all her powers and existence will disappear, and her existence is already starting to fade, she is getting weaker and weaker by the day, by the time I strike her with my powerful blow, she could be gone in a few seconds. Unless you want her to die, I suggest you leave it ALL to me." I've come all this way for nothing? I feared for my life all this time, but the infant was going to die here anyway? I don't even know how to get back, my family is probably dead and my life has already been tied into knots.

"Take it." I hear something. "TAKE IT." It's the infant. She's still lying there, but in her right palm, the necklace from the girl with the hollow eyes was there. She tried to move her arm forward. I looked up at Zargon and looked down at the necklace. In a split second I grabbed the necklace, but all of a sudden, pain shot up my arm like lightning. When I looked at the necklace on my palm, the 'T' from the necklace was burning into my skin. I quickly dropped the necklace and looking at the burned 'T' mark on my hand. "Oww." It was sizzling on my palm, the pain almost unbearable. "What's this?" Zargon asked. Grabbing my arm. "Arghhhh!" Zargon yelled in rage. His arm was turning red, looking more like a rash. "What's happening?" I ask, looking at my hand. Then, the 'T' started shining from the palm of my hand, like light pouring out of a light bulb. I stare in amzement, and an overwhelming feeling rushed over me, but in a way, I felt safe. Energy rushed up my body in an instant, and I felt like I was full of surprises, awaiting to burst into action. "WHAT IS THIS?!" Zargon yells in a fury. After that, I had no control. I had no idea what happened after that.

~The Infant's POV~

I feel like my whole body has just died all of a sudden. I seem to be paralysed after Zargon struck me in one blow, there was no chance that I could beat him after I tried to use my powers and it DIDN'T WORK. I thought Marie and I could make it, together. Marie is the only person that has ever stayed by my side for this long. All my life, I've been a curse that was brought down to this earth. But, Marie taught me something, and that was to never lose sight on what really matters, life. Wait, what's wrong with her? The necklace has done something. Her eyes are shining, so as the 'T' on her palm. But then there is something else that's shining, it's her scar on her neck. I didn't see it before, now it looks like she's in no control whatsoever. She's acting different. What's happening? "Die." says Marie, in a deeper tone. She puts her arms to her sides, and suddenly a large and heavy force shook the ground, as Zargon was pushed against the wall, slamming hard. As for me, I didn't move and inch. I stayed, as if glued to the ground. But all I see is Marie fall to the ground unconcious. I reach out to her, but I feel weaker than ever. Its...dark. I see a glimpse of light, darkness closing in...hold...on. Goodbye...Marie.

~Marie's POV~

What happened? I feel light headed. I look at Zargon, lying on the ground. I walk towards him, and look at him closely. He's not breathing? Is he...dead? I feel light headed still, and I stumble to the ground. As I raise my head, the Infant/Amy comes into view. I crawl to her, grasping her hand in mine. "Can you here me.' I ask her, not getting any response whatsoever. I check for a pulse. Nothing. "Wake up, WAKE UP!"

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