The Infant Chapter 18

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~~~~~Chapter 18:Every last one of them~~~~~

I look in shock. Did the infant just say sister? As in, Rosia? I have questions clogged up in my mind, but I know for one thing, Rosia is the Infant's sister. "How dare you be in my presence." says Rosia, with a deep voice. Her face now appears to have black veins, her face pale white, completely black eyes, sharper teeth and an angry looking face. I look in horror, as Rosia changes to a complete demon. "What's wrong, can't I visit my beloved sister?" the infant says, looking amused. "Haha, don't be happy now sister, for all but one have come of age." says Rosia, smiling now. What? I'm confused, come of age what? "What do you mean?" I ask. Rosia stares at me then turns back to the infant. "Hell girls come of age when their 14, this enables them to have unique powers and curses that will transform them to a full hell girl, and you can't kill a hell girl when they haven't come of age." explains Rosia, with a grin. I'm still partly confused. "Why can't you kill a hell girl that hasn't come of age?" I ask again, still with some curiosity. "They don't know that their a hell girl until they come of age,so the dark demon protects them with a dark and powerful sheild, until they turn 14." Rosia says, looking at me now. "Haha, so now you can't do anything about it, for the last hell girl is only 12." Rosia has a very evil grin on her face, very pleased with herself. "My dark master awaits, for I will tell him of the good news, hahaha." says Rosia, her deep voice gives me a sickening feeling. And soon, Rosia disappears in black mist, leaving a trail of smoke behind.

"So what do we do?" I ask the infant. "You have to kill every last one of them,so my soul can rest in peace." The infant/Amy says, not making any sense of my question. "But how, if the last hell girl is 2 years away from being a full hell girl, then we have to wait that long." I explain, trying to convince the infant to give up until then. "The only way to kill all the hell girls is to kill their dark master." The infant says. I look at her, thinking about how we're going to pull this off. "And how?" I ask, thinking why I always have to ask the questions. "We need to find where the dark lord lives." She says, looking concerned. What? Is she serious? Ok, this is starting to get ridiculous. Find the dark lord, as in the God of hell? You have got to be kidding me.

I lay in bed all night, thinking about all the trouble I am in, thinking how my family is going and where Maggs would be now. There's so much trouble in my hands, yet, I can't seem to imagine how I can manage all this, especially since my family is now involved. I can't believe how I got myself into all this, I mean, I'm totally innocent. An ordinary girl being involved in an bizarre situation. How did it come to be? I sigh, hardly being able to hold in my tears.

The next morning, I awaken to a surprise. Another sign. This time it was in black text "More awaits." I look shocked, and as I read it out loud the text disappears, leaving a deep, dark laugh behind. I just look, at the now blank wall where the message was. "Well?" asked the infant. "Our journey finally begins."

"So genius, how do we kill the dark lord?" I ask sarcastically to the infant. "If we kill the dark master, then we can kill every last one of those hell girls at the same time, and by doing this..." explains the infant, then pauses. "So, how do we do it?" I ask, thinking what the infant is going to say next. "We can kill the dark lord by finding the birth place of the hell girls." she says. "Don't let me start with all the questions again." I say, knowing that I have to continue all the questions. "And the birth place of the hell girls is just one place, Taurus mountain." the infant replies. Your kidding. I have to travel now? Gee thats great. "Where's Taurus mountain, your not serious about going long distance travelling right?" i ask. "Mount Taurus doesn't have to be found, you just need to see." says the infant, telling me one of those ingenious quotes. "Your saying that even if you can't see it, it's there?" i ask, assuming that was what she meant. She just nodded. "Does that mean we can kill the youngest hell girl too?" I ask, remembering her too. She replies with another nodd.

The dark lord is one thing, but the hell girls. Tell me about one hell of an adventure. "I don't know about this." I say, feeling SO nervous. "Come on, be positive." the infant/Amy says. I don't know how this is all that could come together. I hear a shuffling noise. This noise continues until I turn around. "DIE."

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