The Infant Chapter 12

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~~~~~Chapter 12: DIE~~~~~

You have got to be kidding me! The Infant may have listened to every single conversation I have had with Maggs. I still lay on my bed, in a scrunched up form. I look at my scar, its still black and veiny, and still bringing a bit of pain. I decide that since it was still early, I would have the chance to go to Maggs' place. I rush down stairs, not even looking at anyone, and walk out the door. I run until I reach the front door of Magg' house. I ring the doorbell. Maggs doesn't open the door. The door is locked, and no one opens it. I feel a sense of dread in me, like Maggs is in trouble. I run back home to find that the building opposite me is somewhat different. NO WAY! In red text, all the windows, on the roof, on the brick walls of the building, has writing saying "MARIE". It's everywhere, crystal clear. I start breathing heavily, nerves are pouring out of me. I run into the house, and my mum stops me in my tracks. "Now Marie, what is going on, you start going crazy about for me to go away, then you wonder off without telling me and now your running around the house like MAD!"my mum shouts, breathing heavily. "Mum, I..." i get interrupted. "I just have the feeling your hiding something from me." she says. I look at her. Deep into her eyes, her concerned eyes made me feel gloomy. "Mum, I HAVE been hiding something from you." I reply.

"Well why didn't you tell me before?" mum asks. OK...I LIED AGAIN! But its for her own good. "You didn't tell me anything about how nervous you were about school, how come you didn't want to talk to me about this?" she asks, looking relieved. "I don't know mum, you have done so much for me to get to a school, and I didn't want it to go to waste." I said, trying to sound convincing. "Well, when you told me about school today, you sounded really, well, satisfied." she responds. Oh, now what do I say? "Well, it was great, but right now it's probably just a big change, SO big, that maybe it just kind of shocked me, but I'll be fine." I say, happy that I had an answer. "Well, I'm just happy this is all over and done with, now if you are feeling anxious about ANYTHING, you have to tell me!" she says, looking serious. I responded with a smile, and a nod. FINALLY. The conversation was over, and I then turned my thoughts to Maggs. I really did have a sudden feeling that Maggs was in grave danger. Then I remembered the building, I suddenly had a chill go down my spine, I just couldn't believe what I saw. The building just had my name all over it. I was in my room alone at that point, just staring into space, thinking about all this Infant stuff. I gather up all I know in my head: So I use to have sudden dreams of a baby crying, almost as if it was right at my ear, then there were the visions of the three foreign girls in the orphanage I use to go to, they wished me luck, for they thought some sort of sadness will occur, then when I moved here I met Maggs, who told me the story of the Orphanage for disabled children, where the infant was introduced. The Infant had mind powers, which is so called 'telekinesis' where you use the power of the mind to control things, the infant jeopardised the building, and murderers killed all children and staff of the orphanage, including the Infant. So, incidents happened after that murder, and witnesses say they hear things like "come" and "help me" whenever they pass the building, even a baby crying. Then there were signs that I keep on getting from the Infant, the notes would say things like "HELP ME!" or "FROM THE INFANT", but before that, policemen check out the building after the murder, and there was a note, being written saying things like "Get out!" and "You can't do anything unless you HELP ME!". After that, I had a sudden scratch on my left arm, and signs have shown that the scratch was from the Infant. I have witnessed noises, dreams and signs from the Infant, so I think it's time I do something about it!

I hop up from my bed, and try to figure out a plan. So the point of the infant is to help it. But how? I don't know enough to do ANYTHING! I feel low and powerless. I have no idea how to stop this. I feel weak, shallow and feel like hiding in the darkest corner of my room. All of a sudden, I see a note, hanging from my cupboard door, in big BLACK text this time, it says: "SO, YOU WANT TO HELP ME, DO YA?" My eyes widen, can the infant even look through my thoughts. I look up, and say out loud "Yes." The room is silent, all of a sudden, a piece of paper floats in the air, slowly, text is being written on the piece of paper. Then, the next sign says: YOU PROMISE? I start getting second thoughts, everything feels like if I accept something, I always end up regretting it. "Yes." I respond, trying to sound brave. The text disappears from the piece of paper, and more words come: MARK MY WORDS, IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND AND BREAK YOUR PROMISES, MORE AWAITS! I know I have fear in my eyes. I try to stay calm, then, all of a sudden, Maggs comes into my mind. "Wait!" I shout, willing to ask something. The page responds with a "YES?" "What did you do with Maggs?" I ask. I just know it's got something to do with the Infant. The page says: OH, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT HER. Then, a sudden evil laugh, as loud as a screeching mouse, goes all across my room. It was no ordinary laugh, it was confusing that the laugh was of a middle aged lady.

"If you dare do anything to Maggs, the promise is off!" I shout, now getting mad. The piece of paper ripped to pieces violently, a rapid wind started blowing outside, and you could here it. In dark red text, on another piece of paper said "DIE."

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