The Infant Chapter 11

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~~~~~Chapter 11: School, and a twist~~~~~

"Seriously, you know about the infant?" I say, actually satisfied. "Yeah, it sure is creepy, that's why I don't want to talk about it!" says Tracy, wanting to leave. "Oh come on you scaredy cat, its not at all that scary." replies Miranda, smiling. We chat away about the infant, they know about the incident, the night of the murder in the orphanage for disabled children, they know about witnesses saying things about how you hear a voice or cry from that building, and they some how know about the message the infant said to the policemen that searched the building. I was shocked on how much they knew. "So that's all we know." Miranda takes a breather, from talking so much. "And that's all I know."I say, with nothing to add. "But why do you ask?" asks Sarah, finally hopping into the conversation. "I just felt...curious." I say, trying to cover my urge to tell them about the hauntings I have experience through the Infant. "You're hiding something." Miranda says, looking into my eyes.

Should I tell them? Argh, I don't know, it's something Maggs and I talk about, not my friends that I just met for the first day of school! Maybe I should wait...Ok! I lied to my friends. This is what happened... "Well, spill, dish, come on!!" shouts Miranda, looking REALLY desperate. She says it so loud that some people start staring. I look at one side...and the other. "Ok, well at the moment, my neighbour keeps on scaring me about all this infant stuff, and apparently she is being haunted by it, but I think she is lying about everything!" I say, trying to sound convincing. They pause for a second. Then Sarah speaks. "No joke, IT'S REAL, if she is being haunted by the infant, maybe she should get help." Sarah suggests. "Guys, I think we should just drop it, please?" I ask, not wanting to talk about the infant anymore. They stay silent for awhile. After 2 minutes of an awkward silence, I break the silence by telling them a joke. "How did the chicken cross the road?" I ask, I know it sounds ridiculous, but awkward silences is like my enemy! "Uh, to get to the other side?" Miranda replies, with Sarah and Tracy giggling like mad. "Yeah!!"I say, laughing. Everyone just ends up laughing, not with me, but at me. I grin.

As I walk to the front gates of St Paul's College, I wait longingly for my parents to pick me up. And, there it comes, I can tell by the sound of the rusty holden ute dad loves so much. He says it's his 'pride and joy', I laugh whenever he says that. "Hop in!" Dad yells, trying to patch up the loud noise of the engine. I hop into the front seat, next to dad, and surprised to find Amy at the back. "HI MEMY!" Amy greets, excitedly for my appearance. I greet her back, and try to relax from a long day. But that won't happen any time soon. Yet again, Amy starts singing Old MacDonald and Ring a Ring a rosy. ARGH, I can never be in PEACE! As I finally reach home, I quickly get out of the car, and ring the doorbell, to find mum with an apron on, and hands covered in flour. "Hello hun, how was your first day!!" she says, also excited to see me. I change the subject by saying "Home-made pizza I assume?" I ask, judging by the floury hands. She nods, I look at the kitchen bench, also covered in flour, and a yet-to-be pizza, places nicely on a chopping board. "Well, you haven't answered my question."Mum says, not seeming to forget about my first day at school. We discuss over afternoon tea.

I tell her about the principal, the school, my new friends and what happened in class. She was happy that I had a smile on my face, but then, as I was chatting away, I saw a red slash on the wall, also looking like my scar. A shot of pain went on my scar. I scrunch my fist, trying to tolerate the pain. I then hear a cry, coming closer to me. I start trying to cover my ears, shaking my head. "Go away, GO AWAY!" I yell, trying to stop the shrilling cry. Mum looks at me, looking very concerned. I see a note, hanging on the wall of the kitchen, it says "FEEL THE PAIN." My eyes widen, I run into my room immediately, almost forgetting that mum was even there. I quickly shut the door. I scrunch my body tight, lying on my bed. I hear a knock on my bedroom window, that's right, MY WINDOW. There is a note, in RED text, I read the note: TOLD ANYONE YET? I immediately think of Maggs, this can't be happening. The Infant may have listened to my conversation with Maggs the WHOLE TIME?

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