The Infant Chapter 16

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~~~~~Chapter 16: Look out the window~~~~~

I look in shock. I just stare, stare at that hard, evil smile on Maggs' face. I knew it was Maggs, I just knew it. In my gut, I know that Maggs wants me for something, like she wants to take revenge. "Ahhhh, now only 4 more to go."says Amy/infant, lounging on my bed. She just smiles, feeling relaxed and has a sense of accomplishment. "I'm glad your so enthusiastic." I say, in sarcasm. I look back at the infant. "So, how do we find the rest of them, what, like walk around York, HOPING to feel a stir?" I ask, now thinking hard. "No, I have powers too."said the infant. Now I feel SO confused that my head is about to explode! "I can tell roughly where the hell girls are, because my sister was a hell girl, so I can tell."Suggests the infant. "But how?" I ask, since she only said 'I can tell'. "I just can okay." she replies. I just roll my eyes. "That's enough killing for one day, I'm going to eat dinner."

It was completely night by the time I walked into my room. There was Amy, her eyes shining like she had major night vision. I open the lights. "I know whose next, and she's nearby." Says Amy/infant. "Who is it?" I ask, quite curiously. "Her name is Rosia Hanson." says the infant. No way, as in Rosia, Rosia my friend from the orphanage, this is SO messed up. Rosia isn't supposed to be in York till Monday next week. This is CRAZY. "Rosia, I know her, but she's not supposed to be here until next week." I say, telling the infant my thoughts. "I can sense that she is in York, I am positive."Amy/infant reassures me. I don't know, I mean, am I really gonna kill two of my friends? No way, just no. But then I think, I don't want to end up like Maggs, I need to fight.

I look out the window once again when I wake up in the morning. Maggs is out of the building, she is now at the front lawn. As I see her in broad daylight, I see every detail of her. She has numerous stabs on her chest, her eyes look some-what different, her head still hanging to one side, her skin pasty and grey, there are scratches, veins sticking out and a smile still covering her face. She notices me, she almost looks like a a zombie, she reaches out a hand at me, and seems to want something from me. She starts mumbling something that I can't make out. Then, I hear footsteps, heavy footsteps and hear heavy breathing, I try to take a glimpse, but turn back round to look out the window again, she's not there. I turn and...ARGGHHHHH! I wake up, with sweat covering my face. It was just a nightmare, JUST a nightmare. I see a figure at the darkest corner of my room, eyes glowing red. "Is it you?" I ask, thinking it's the Infant. It's the same heavy breathing from my dream. The shadow wasn't short this time, not like a two year old anyway. I start getting scared, this doesn't feel right. My head spins with thoughts, could it be Maggs, wanting to take revenge on me for some odd reason, or it could be the infant, but has possessed someone else. I have no idea what's going to happen next. "Whose there?" I ask, hoping it would be someone good. I look closely, to find that it's just a shadow. Wait a minute. I look behind me. Letters written in blood, it says "It's me Marie." It was as frightening as the time when I killed Miranda.

I don't know what to do, and where's the infant? I start shivering, going under my covers, just trying to make everything a nightmare, no use. I feel cold, shaken and weary. I could hardly take it anymore. I mean, I know I say that all the time but it seems that at some point, I might as well die. I actually look out the building, I see Maggs, she is on the front...LAWN! She's right there, that's exactly what was in my nightmare. "Marie?" I hear someone say my name. My heart skips a beat. I look behind to find Amy. "Phew, you scared the daylights out of me."I say, taking deep breathes to calm myself down. "I know where Rosia is." replies Amy/infant. "Oh, I don't know about this, this girl is literally a close friend to me, and I wouldn't have ANY intentions to kill her any time soon!" I argue, trying to sound convincing. "Do you want to end up like Maggs?" The infant asks. She just HAD to bring that up, it was predictable though. "Do you?" The infant repeats, trying to find an answer coming out of my mouth. "No." I say, straight forward. "Ok then, well if not, I suggest you go along with the plan."Says the infant, satisfied yet again. I feel SO horrible right now, I don't know how I will manage all this.

"Ok, tell me the plan later, I need to calm down for a minute." I reply, actually meaning it. I look out the window, the rustling leaves, the wind blowing and the beautiful blue skies. Then, my focus turns to the building, and Maggs. Maggs...isn't...THERE! I hear a loud CRASH. I look up in worry, realising something.

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