The Infant Chapter 17

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~~~~~Chapter 17: Break in, break out~~~~~

I rush downstairs. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster every step I take. I have that feeling, like I know who is there. As I reach the last few steps of the stairs, there she was, Maggs. I saw mum lying on the floor unconcious, I didn't know where dad was, and Amy was right behind me. I hear the deep breathes of Maggs, just staring at me with a serious look, her hands bloody and holding a stick in her hand. In fact, she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at something else, Amy. Maggs makes a loud groaning sound and starts going up the stairs. I need to run. I bolt back up the stairs, I see Amy/Infant just standing on a step, not moving an inch. "COME ON,RUN!!" I scream. The infant just stands there. Maggs is 3 steps away from the infant. "GO!" I yell again, practically getting a heart attack. I'm about to run and grab her but all of a sudden, Maggs falls back by some force, and literally flies backwards, crashing into the wall with a loud CLASH. I look in astonishment. I look at the powerless Maggs, looking like she is 2 seconds away from death. Then, to my surprise, Maggs gets back up in record speed. That looked very unnatural, and the infant took one step back. I quickly run forward, grab Amy, and bolt up the stairs. "What are you doing?!"Amy/Infant asks. "No time to lose, we have to go!!" I yell, having a panic attack. I hear heavy footsteps, slowly taking one step at a time. I hear another groan as I reach my bedroom door.

"We have to escape!" I say. "How, now you've trapped yourself in your room!" The infant yells. I lock the door in sheer luck, as Maggs puts her fist on the door. As Maggs continuously pounds her fist on the door, I hear a crack. I quickly go straight to the window. "Are you serious?" The infant says, as I climb through the window. "It's the only way!" I yell, I hear a sudden crack from the door again. I reach out my hand, and Amy/Infant grabs it. I lift her out of the window, climb onto the tree, and slide off it. I hear a loud crack as we reach to the bottom of the tree, landing on the soft grass. I look up, and find Maggs standing at the window, gazing around, trying to find us. "LET'S GO!" I say, grabbing her hand and start bolting towards where the school is. As we reach the bike path, I hear a loud scream, not a normal scream, but a piercing, deep scream. At that point, I remembered that I didn't bring anything. No food, no spare clothes, no drinks no nothing. I felt so stressed out, I just kept on running. I could see the infant was tired after running for 15 minutes non stop. Finally, we stopped to a holt. Everything was getting dark, I felt nervous. "Now what?" Asks Amy/infant, looking at the darkening sky. "It's getting dark, I think we should go back." I reply, thinking that that's the only solution. "No, it's not safe, we will take shelter somewhere else." Amy/Infant says, looking like the smartest person ever known. "Where, there is nowhere else to go!" I shout, starting to get REALLY frustrated.

We walk in the darkness. The owls making unusual sounds, having the feeling someone is watching me, the stars slowly revealing in the night sky, the moon shining and the rustling of the trees. I start shivering, feeling the cold breeze past me. I feel a stir in my scar again. "Hey, I feel something on my neck again." I say to the infant/Amy. "I feel a hell girl's presence too." She replies, looking at me. "In that house." says the infant, pointing to a small looking house, with the front lights on. "Rosia." I say, realising that this is her house. The infant/Amy nods. We both walk towards the house slowly, and I start feeling the stir of the scar go stronger and stronger. Then, the scar turns from a stirring feeling to a throbbing pain. I try to tolerate the pain, but start taking quick deep breathes. The infant looks at me. "What's wrong?" the infant asks, looking at me with concern. "My scar, it REALLY hurts." I whisper, hardly being able to tolerate the pain much longer. "Come on, no time to lose." We knock on the door, to find a lady with black hair and fancy glasses open the door. "Can I help you?" says the lady, in a stern tone. "We are lost, and I know your daughter, so can you please be so kind to giving us a place to stay for the night?" I ask, trying to look promising. The lady looks at me with an unsure look. "Please." I say in desperation. She agrees with a nod. "Rosia, we have guests!" Shouts the lady. And there she was, my best friend Rosia. Rosia lit up as soon as she saw me. "MARIE!!!!" She shouts, and bolts to me and gives me a nice big hug. That was what I needed all day!

"Rosia, what a coincidence!" I say, trying to sound like this was unexpected. "Want some dinner, we were just about to eat." offers Rosia. I nod in agreement. After going to her room, my scar starts throbbing in pain again. "So, how do you like York?" I ask Rosia. "Yeah, it's good, better than the orphanage anyway." She says, with a big smile on her face. "Rosia, how come your in York so early?"I ask curiously. "Oh, umm I had a delay with the family that adopted me, that wanted me earlier."she said, struggling to get the words out of her. Her face screws up all of a sudden to an ugly thing. "You!"she screeches, her voice sounding completely different. She looks at Amy. "Hello, sister."says the infant, with a smirk.

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