The Infant Chapter 9

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~~~~~Chapter 9:

"Are you for real?" I asked Maggs, in astonishment. The letter from the infant sounded ridiculous, yet spooky. "I am not joking Marie, there secrets to be told, legends to be heard, but this is one secret, and legend, has to be REAL!" Maggs said, trying to sound convincing. "Ok, ok, so what can I do to stop all these hauntings from happening to me?" I ask. "Help the infant." she replies, making it sound simple. "Maggs, I can't just help the infant, I need to know HOW?" I ask, curiously. "I honestly don't know, your going to have to find out more, gather information and solve the puzzle." she suggests, not making anything any better. "Ok, I am just going to see what I can do when I go to school tomorrow, maybe some kids know about the infant." I say, proud of the solution. "Their bound to know something, let's hope you get something out of it." she says, not helping yet again. We then talk about her days at school and how excited I was about it. We totally forgot about the infant, and talked about school until it was time to go, an hour later.

As I walked into the house, mum was making dinner. It smelt wonderful. "Ooh, what's cooking?" I ask, feeling hungry, almost starving. "We are having noodles tonight." she says, continuing her cooking. "YUM, I can't wait, where is everyone else?" I ask, noticing the quietness in the environment. "Oh, your father and Amy have gone to the grocery store for some dessert, Amy was complaining about how she needed some sweets." mum replies, rolling her eyes. "Oh ok, well I am gonna take a shower, IN PEACE." I say, making my way to my room. The shower was refreshing! It really gave me a boost of energy, and felt really soothing and relaxing. Mum calls for dinner. When I make my way down the stairs, I see dad and Amy taking a bag of groceries, with Amy sucking on a lollipop. "Managed to control Amy?" mum asked dad. Dad nodded, rolling his eyes when he stared at Amy for a second. Amy was happily sucking on her lollipop, ignoring the fact that dad was rolling his eyes at her. "Hello Memy, where were you before?" Amy asked, while sucking on her lollipop, loudly slurping away. "Oh, I was at Maggs house, our neighbour."I reply.

We all sat down as a family, and started chatting about SCHOOL again. Mum started going over again about taking care of myself, and I needed to be cautious if I felt dizzy or something. It just went on and on, and I ended up finishing my dinner before she stopped talking. She didn't even let me get out of my seat until she was finished, half an hour later. I went into my room as soon as I was dismissed from the dinner table, and looked at the sign I got from the infant. I just looked at it for 2 seconds when I heard a sudden knock. Mum came in, I quickly grabbed the piece of paper and put it in my pocket, she looked curious as to what I just did, but quickly ignored the fact that I weirdly had my hands behind my back, looking like I was hiding something. "Marie, are you sure you want to go to school, you can wait if you want."mum says, trying to sound promising. I said to mum that I assured her that no matter what, I would go to school tomorrow, and summarised that it was final. Mum decided to say ok, and walked out of my room. Yes, ok so now back to the...where is it? I put it in my pocket a minute ago, and it just disappears. Oh there it is, its.on.the DOOR! How could this be? It was in my pocket, I know I put it in my pocket, not on my door, no but there is something else on the sign. That other note has disappeared, and there is a new sign, in blood red text, the sign says "I'M COMING". What? What does that even mean? I'm starting to feel really anxious now, does that mean the infant is actually coming for ME? No, this can't be, the infant can't come, it just CAN'T. I go into panic mode and grab the next note, and rip it into pieces, I go down stairs and chucked it in the bin. As soon as I was about to walk away, the bin opens by it self, and the bits and pieces of the note fall out, get back together in one piece, but this time it says "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!" on it. I scream and run into my room as quickly as my legs could carry, shut the door, close the curtains, turn down the blinds and lye on my bed. COULD THINGS GET ANY WORST?

I snuggled under my covers that night, I was so frightened that the infant would get me. I felt SO scared, my legs were shaking rapidly. I heard a cry, a baby crying again. Then there was a creak of the timber flooring outside my bedroom door. I jumped. I peaked out of my blanket to find the knob turning, slowly. The door opens, and I hide under my covers again. I hear footsteps, coming towards my bed, I start shaking even harder than before, I don't dare peak out. I feel a chill down my spine, the room feels chilly, and I feel a force on my body, as if something is dragging me down. I peak out...A BABY!! ARGHHHHH. I wake up to the sound of the chirping birds. It was all a dream. Phew, it was all a...what's that? What is that scratch on my left arm. It was a massive scratch on my arm, there was know pain, but there was a small bloodstain on my bed. It looked like the scratch was seriously bleeding last night. I actually felt scared about this sudden scratch, and didn't look right, and certainly didn't feel right either. I had a sudden feeling about the infant. I got scared again, it was only 5:30am in the morning, I decided to go back to sleep, but as soon as I lay down, my arm started stinging. I slowly straighten my arm, and put it aside. I closed my eyes and quickly fell back asleep.

Ding, ding, ding!!! My alarm goes off at 6:30am. I wake up lazily, but fall back on my bed as soon as I sat up, my eyes felt tired and heavy, I bet there were big bulging bags under my eyes. I had hair everywhere, my scratch didn't look any better, and I remember this was the day I was starting school. I looked down when I sit at the side of my bed, trying to get up. It felt hard to just get out of my bed, my arm still stung, and I felt awfully tired. I get up, open my closet for my uniform, and find a random piece of folded paper on top of my uniform, I opened the letter to find it blank. I chuck it on the floor grab my uniform. When I go to grab the note, there is a slash on it, red as well, and looked completely identical to the scratch I had on my arm. I open my mouth wide. In big text, red of course, the note said "FROM THE INFANT". I was terrified, this could only mean one thing. The INFANT did the scratch!

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