The Infant Chapter 21

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~~~~~Chapter 21: Track Attack~~~~~

I gasp in shock. There, in front of me, was the girl with hollow eye sockets. "" I said, startled in fear. Her expression of aggression appeared on her face, although, at the same time, amusment. I hear her heavy, screechy breathing as she breathes with a smile on her face. She was on all fours, looking like she would approach any second. She stood there, sharp teeth and pale face, developing black veins hovering along her arms and face. She all of a sudden leaps foward, a blood curdling scream fills the air. She leaps on top of me, struggling to move. "GET OFF ME!" I cry in fear. "Die." Said the girl, still smiling right before my eyes. She yanks on my hair, she scratches my face, the girl is doing anything to give me pain. All of a sudden, pain shot up my right eye. "Give it to meeee." the girl says. I look in horror, as I see the infant/Amy, change eye colour, looking furious. "LEAVE.HER.ALONE." yells the infant, and all of a sudden, a force hit me in a rushing wave. The girl lets go of me, leaving her flying and crashing against the rocky wall of the mountain. She hisses at the infant. "Run, MARIE, RUN!" The infant yells, yanking me up and pushing me foward, leaving me running for my life. "Come!" says the screeching girl. Screaming and crawling towards me, I look back, and all I can see is the girl looking like she was being pulled back by an invisible rope. I turn around, facing towards the entrance on where Zargon lived. All of a sudden, I see a sharp metal blade on the floor. It had swirls of carvings on it, and looked promising. I pick it up and rush back to where the infant was. I see the girl, and the infant looking weak and about to collapse. As the girl turns toward me and starts trying to leap back on me, she still was forced back by the infant. I walk slowly foward, towards the girl. As I am close enough to take my shot, everything seems right in the world. "This is the only way." I murmer, looking down at the girls ferocious face.

"I'm sorry." A tear trickles down my eyes, as I lift up the blade. The blade threshes into the girls flesh, her head spewing black blood as I take the blade out, more blood trickling along the edge of the blade. A loud cry from the girl actually sounded human. "Take" she says, slowly dying. After what seemed to be for a minute, she lay still, her eyes closed, and turned to dust. I look down in fear, blade in hand. I have my mouth open, feeling guilt inside of me. I look up, at the infant, looking down on the girl. The infant/Amy, kneels down beside her, reaching for her neck, and grabbing a chain. The necklace. She took it and the 'T' connected to the chain, had a gross looking liquid, changing the colour of the letter from silver to greenish purple. The infant grips the chain tightly in the grasp of her hand. "Let's go."

We rush back to the entrance where Zargon lives. The doorway lead to a long corridor. At the front, there was an old looking gate, rust and mould growing all over the bars and floor and a large 'Z' at the top looking cleaner than anything else in the area. "Let's go." said the infant, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with her. The infant grabs the gate and slides it open in a big creak. "Can you be any louder?" I asked, getting annoyed on how 'open' the infant was. "Don't worry, let's just go already." the infant/Amy replies. We take a step through the corridor, and breathe in the disgusting smell. It smelt of dead bodies, rotting flesh, blood and dry and misty at the same time. I stumble backwards, the smell making me feel dizzy. "What is that smell?" I ask, pinching my nose tightly to block the smell. I shake my head to wake me back up from the unpleasant stench. "I don't know, but we need to move on." says the infant, looking completely normal. "I can't stand this smell, you go first, I'll catch up." I say, feeling more and more dizzy by the minute. "Ok, but try to hurry ok, and what ever you do, don't be fooled by anything." warns the infant/Amy, in a serious voice. I nod my head. The infant responds in a nod and heads off. I lean myself up on a wall, not wanting to let go of my nose. I couldn't stand the stench, but I had to move on. I tried getting up, but when I let go of my nose, I feel a shock of dizziness and stumble back onto the ground. I groaned in pain when my wrist hit the ground on a sharp rock. "Come on Marie, you have to do this." I say to myself. I get up, still overwhelmed by the smell, and continued to walk.

I walk through the misty corridor, which felt more like a dark alley, and moved forward. I still heard the giggles of amusement surround me. I felt sick inside. All of a sudden, I see someone, lying on the floor unconcious. I didn't seem to notice at first, but then I knew straight away who it was. It was Amy.

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