The Infant Chapter 15

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~~~~~Chapter 15: Hell girl, dead girl~~~~~

"You don't just feel the scar, are you sure?" The infant/Miranda asked, not believing a thing I was saying. I swear I felt it, I KNOW I felt it. I nod, reassuring her that I did feel that sudden stir.

It eventually was the weekend, and there were signs all over the street, mentioning the missing Miranda. I was fed up with this. "Ok, you better stop possessing Miranda, because there are signs saying that she's MISSING!"I shout. "No, this feels,"the infant is interrupted by...ME of course. "No way, I have a better idea."I smile. Most hilarious thing ever. Hahahaha. The infant possessed little Amy instead. Gosh, I can't get over it, the infant has a serious face, and i just laugh so hard, my eyes go watery. ""The infant said, stumbling, trying to curse me. "What, say it, say it to my FACE." I say, eager on what the infant will say. "Oh, come on."The infant changes the subject. I run over to follow a VERY small two year old girl, going to what seems to be Miranda's house. "What are you doing?" I ask, feeling nervous. "Miranda has to be a hell girl." the infant replies. "No way am I killing someone's daughter in front of them!" I shout, cupping my mouth after realising how loud I was. "No, we aren't killing her, we're kidnapping her." the infant says, calmly. "NO WAY!" I shout. "If you want to help me, this is the only way, unless you want to end up like Maggs." The infant says, threatening me with a smile. I felt nervous, I don't do this kidnapping stuff, I just can't. But if I don't help, she's going to go after me, the Infant is strong. She can do anything to you, and if I don't want to end up like Maggs, this is the only way.

I take a deep breathe, and I give a nod of approval. "Wait, I've got an idea." I say. I tell the Infant about how we can try to possess her again, so we can control her, and kidnap her without her knowing. The infant liked it. So, the infant stopped possessing Amy, and left Amy unconscious, I decided to take Amy home, while the Infant did the work. As I walked back home, I saw a person through the old building. It was a dark figure, and I couldn't make out who or what it was. I had chills down my spine at the point where I heard someone saying my name. "Marie, Marie." The thing said, I start bolting to the house. "Come here." The thing keeps on repeating the words. I go up to my room, and lay Amy down. I look out the window, looking at the building, the figure was still there. I tried to look closely, but then the figure stretches out an arm towards me. The figure steps forward, the head slightly hanging. It was MAGGS! I stepped back. I heard something calling my name again. Then I felt a sudden stir in my scar again, I turned around to find Miranda there. "So, you got her." I ask. "Yep, so now let's look for the scar." the infant/Miranda says. we search around her body, her forehead, her arms, her legs, and there it was. A giant bull on her back. It looked like a giant birth mark, perfectly looking like a bull's head. I didn't expect the signs to be that big. "Alright, do it." the infant says.

Then I remembered. I had to kill Miranda. "I CAN'T DO IT!" I shout, totally doubting about the agreement of helping the infant. "You have to." The infant/Miranda said, now with a really serious look. "Or else, you will know what's coming for you." The infant pulls out a pocket knife, blood drizzling down on the blade of the knife. I look at the blood with wide eyes. I couldn't kill someone, I would never have the guts, but I HAVE to, or I die, and the infant is not afraid to kill me either. I take one, big breathe, and grab the pocket knife. I hold onto the knife tightly, just waiting for my arms to move. They wouldn't budge, the fear I feel now is horrible. I just don't know how I'll pull this off. I have to do this, for the sake of my LIFE! "Do it." The infant says, now looking more angry and tough. I start to hesitate. The infant/Miranda looks into my eyes sharply. I turn away. "Wait, wouldn't I be killing you too?" I ask, now remembering that the infant was possessing her. "No, for I am already a dead soul, now GO!" the infant replies, looking impatient now.

I DID IT. I pierced through the bull. Then, there was a loud screeching scream, SO LOUD my eardrums probably would've exploded. The scream was louder than I have ever heard. Miranda's face looked evil, black veins formed on her face, her eyes turned completely black, her mouth unnaturally wide open. The scream goes on for what feels like an hour. "STOP, STOP!!" I yell, trying to put my voice on top of the loud screech. The scream stops, Miranda stares at me, still with the look, but smiles evilly, teeth yellow and bloody. "I will get you!" She whispers, and disintegrates into dust. I just look in shock. I can't believe I killed a close friend. Actually, let me re-phrase that. I can't believe I killed someone. I am officially a murderer. The infant possesses Amy again. "Good job."Says the infant, she smirks in satisfaction. I look at her, almost in tears at the fact that I killed someone. My heart was beating heavily, and my body felt like I weighed 200 kilos. I felt horrible. I look back up the window, staring at the window of the building, the figure was not there anymore, but on the lowest floor of the building, looking out that window. I jump, because all I could see was an evil smile.

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