The Infant Chapter 22

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~~~~~Chapter 22: Realisation~~~~~

"Amy!" I yell, running through puddles of blood. "Help me Marie." says Amy's tiny voice and reaching out a hand to me. Wait. I stop. In my head I hear "Don't be fooled." I remember what the infant says immediately. I stand still, forgetting about the stench. "Hurry, help me!" says Amy, much louder and clearer now. I stare at her, looking directly at her, her eyes burning into mine. My eyes widen and my expression changes. "No." I say, feeling proud. "No, NO?" the person said, from a tiny voice, to a dark and eery voice. I hear a sudden grumble. All of a sudden, I see 'Amy's' eyes turn red. She gradually starts to change, she's taller, has black silky hair, and covered in rags. Her head is down, with her shiny red eyes visible. She looks up with a snarl on her face. It's a hell girl.

"Hello...Marie," says the hell girl, with a smile on her face. "My name is Helena, nice to meet you. She starts from a slight giggle to a ferocious laugh! It didn't sound too innocent, more like too evil. "What's so funny." I ask curiously. "Why do you ask?" she says, sounding like she thinks I'm a total idiot. "Well, a weakling such as yourself, turns up here, an isolated and deserted place, I'm just so happy that some excitement is finally here." she says, a wide smile on her face. "I'm glad your happy, but we don't have time for this." As soon as I finish, I grab the blade I had earlier and swing in a quick motion. It slices through the air, and landing into her chest. She looks directly at me, then looking at the blade in her chest. Smiling, she grips the blade, and pulls it out of her. After gripping the blade tightly, she slowly cuts her hand, blood dripping from the blade to the ground. I look in astonishment. She throws the blade skillfully, making the blade pierce through a gap in the ground. She slowly approaches me, eyes shining more red than ever. I feel a force coming up. "What's going on, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shout in panic, the force slowly lifting me off the ground. "Oh, you'll see." she says. When I'm about half a metre off the ground, a force so strong, pushes me back and thumping hard on the wall, then crashing too the ground. I feel more dizzy than when the stench hit me. I open my eyes halfway when I see Helena's face in front of mine. Her sharp, pointy nail touches my chin, lifting up my face. Then, she examines the scratch that the infant gave to me on my neck. All of a sudden, a flashback begins.

The scratch sensed the demons all along. As soon as I entered Zargon's gate, I felt dizzy and weak. That whole time, the scratch was trying to tell me that demons were close, I just didn't know it. All of a sudden, a sharp pain goes up my neck. I open my eyes, and seeing Helena focusing on my scratch, her nail following along the line of the scratch, it felt like she was slowly digging into my flesh. When she let go, I felt my neck. She sealed it. "There, you won't be sensing any more of us any longer." She smiles, walks backwards and disappeared in a dark mist. I just look intensely at the fog, as it slowly vanished in thin air. I feel my neck again, a weird feeling overwhelming my body. As I get up, there was no pain. How could that be? I mean, I was pushed against a wall in midair. I thought about the possibilities, but nothing came up. I decided to keep on walking, until there was a big door, the kind that are wooden and have metal aligned across the door, kind of like a medieval castle door. As I reach for the door, I hear a big explosion, the light pouring out of the door as the door breaks into pieces. I look up. The infant/Amy is lying on the floor unconcious, gripping the hollow eyed girl's necklace in her hand. Then, I hear deep breathing, and hot air brush against my neck. My hair on my neck stood on end. As I look behind me, there was a dark shadow on the ground, but no figure behind me. As I turned my head back around again, I made eye contact with the expected. "Zargon."

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