The Infant chapter 6

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~~~~~Chapter 6: Nightmare on Evens circuit~~~~~

"Amy, what are you doing?!" I whisper, still startled. "I'm sorry I scared you Memy, I got a nightmare." said Amy, with a voice of an angel. Amy explained what her dream was about. She shivered and started sweating of fright. I felt worried, and all she was scared about was a puppy dog chasing her in the neighbourhood. She kept on calling me Memy but I guess a 2 year old talks like that. I started telling her funny stories about puppies and said that she was too strong and brave for a puppy to scare her. She started giggling and smiling. I guess I did my job and she went out my bedroom door with a smile on her face. I felt great. I actually made someone smile today instead of making others cry. I switched off the light, lay on my plush pillow and comfortable bed once more, and slowly closed my eyes until the blur of the room disappeared.

A rainy day, and glad there is no foul stench of meatloaf like the orphanage. As soon as I thought about the orphanage, I thought about Rosia. I wonder how she is going? Who is she hanging out with? Has she called Madam Fromage Madam Cheese yet? So many thoughts come into my head about Rosia. But I honestly have no regrets on accepting the adoption.

"Marie, breakfast!" Mrs Corte shouts from the kitchen. "Coming!" I reply. I rush down stairs to the kitchen to find a nicely set table of pancakes and orange juice. Mr Corte greets me good morning, then Mrs Corte did the same. As I take a seat, Amy comes and greets me good morning with an angelic smile on her face. I respond with a smile that probably look ridiculous considering that smiling is my weakest point. I start eating a plate of pancakes and drinking a tonne of orange juice, but trying not to look greedy.

I ask to be dismissed and walk up to my room again. I look out the window, looking at the swaying tree branches, the luscious green grass, the florescent flowers and the beautiful cloudless sky. As I look around the nature outside, I suddenly blur out what I was looking at and focused on the mysteriously looking old abandoned building. The building wasn't like the rest of the houses, it was quite unique. The building was dark grey, windows broken, rusty and looks like a 50 year old house, and through the broken windows was dark rooms that you couldn't really see through. I developed a curious feeling again. I feel like the place is connected to me in some way. The building some how relates to my dream, or should I say nightmare. I don't know what my brain is trying to tell me, but I feel like this building is a bad part of me.

I called the orphanage instead of thinking about that building. I asked for Rosia and I got to talk to her! She had a happy sort of tone in her voice, she seemed REALLY happy. I was quite surprised when she said there was some good news. She said that she had just gotten told that she was adopted! I congratulated her and said how great that was. "I know right, this is so soon, but so GREAT!" Rosia yells on the phone, feeling like she is going to explode. "What did I tell you, I knew the time would come!" I responded, feeling so happy for her. "And more good news awaits." she adds. Gosh, more good news, wow, things are really starting to work out. "I am moving to...YORK!" she screams out, and giving a deafening screech through the phone line. "What a coincidence!" I say, feeling OVERJOYED now. We start chatting about visiting each other everyday, and even going to the same school, or might end up living really close to each other and maybe our families we live with may be relatives or friends. It was great to chat with my friend after it felt like years ago when I got adopted. We were chatting away about what we missed or will miss about the orphanage, the girls, the mystery, the adventure and the CRAZINESS. Everything about the orphanage flashed before my eyes, the good times, the bad times and the most weird times EVER. While I was still chatting with Rosia, I heard a cry outside, it was terribly loud, the cry felt like it was right at my ear. I asked Rosia if she heard the cry, she said she had no clue what I was talking about. Now, I felt pretty unsafe and said that Mrs Corte called me down for lunch, so I could hang up. She said goodbye and I quickly hung up. The cry was gone.

What was that cry all about, was it real? Or was it just my imagination. I felt like someone was watching me that whole time. When I was reading, all I could see at the corner of my eye was the building the opposite of my house. It felt uncomfortable just looking at that building. I decided to go out and meet the neighbours. My neighbour was an old lady. She introduced herself, here name was Maggi, but she said that I could call her by her real name or just Maggs. She was very talkative and she really liked meeting others. She was very out going, and she wasn't a 'sit on the couch knitting' type of granny, she was more like a 'granny that loved to shop and take strolls around the neighbourhood'. I asked her if she knew anything about the disturbing building across the road after everything got awkward. Her face turned from a happy granny to a serious granny. She looked down at me and hesitated at the thought of telling me about the building. She looked up and sighed. "Well, it's a long and sad story." she responds, her face drooped. She told me that the building used to be an orphanage for the unfortunate, or in other words, disabled. Young children from the age of 3 to 8 were taken care of there. The building had a great vibe and warm hearted people worked there. But one afternoon, with children laughing, workers working happily and kids smiling, it turned upside down. There was a serious murder from two men, mid 30s, that ruined that day. Killing up to 34 disabled children, and 8 workers, that day turned from bright to dull. Police surrounded the building for almost a month, investigating the area. After finding the two murderers dead, from hanging themselves, the case was closed. But that day was never forgotten.

I opened my mouth wider than ever. Wow. I was speechless. The thought of that incident was a nightmare. Maggs continued. "From that day fourth, the locals have witness screams or cries from little children, as loud as ever, as if children were crying right at your ear," She continues with,"Some say they hear the words "Help me" or "Come" at the stroke of midnight, but there had never been a proper explanation." Gosh, the thought of the cries I hear in my dreams, the cry I heard this afternoon, all started making sense. All the drama going on now has a story, and I need to find out MORE.

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