The Infant Chapter 20

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~~~~~Chapter 20: Taurus Mountain

I breathe heavily. Looking at the strange girl standing before me. She had hollowed out eyes, her face as grey as a rainy day, wearing rags, but looked completely innocent. "" I ask, slowly getting the words out of my mouth. "I know where to find him." she says, having the same voice of tone, dark and cold. She told us of her life story. The hell girls targeted her when she was younger. They targeted her because she was beautiful, clever and had a great personality. They were jealous of her beauty, so they gave her a gift, but a curse as well. She has the gift of teleporting, the curse...well, as soon as she teleports, she slowly turns into a cruel, evil, ugly...well, completely opposite to what her true self was. All the people she loves, she will turn away from. The girl wanted to take revenge on Zargon and the hell girls as well. "What's your name?" I ask. "I have no name, but with this, you can signal me." She says, touching my hand. Then, a sudden tingling feeling develops on my hand. When she takes her hand away, a black mark, 3 circles forming a triangle, remains on my hand. I look up. "So, if I touch this..." I say, but gets interupted. "I feel the signal." she replies. I nod. "So, can you teleport us to Taurus Mountain?" The infant/Amy asks, lighting up. "Yes." the girl replies, nodding her head. "Now?" The infant asks. I feel very reluctant to go on this journey. "Ok, if you insist, but on one condition." The girl says, surprisingly. "If I die, take this off me." From her chest, she pulls out a long, gold necklace. "What's this?" I ask her. The necklace had a 'T' on it, with a shining sequence to match it. "It's the only thing I have that was from my parents." she replied, looking miserable. "Come on Marie, we don't have that much time!" shouts the Infant. I roll my eyes, then look back to the girl. "You think you could teleport us there now?" I asked her. She nodded in agreement. "Then let's GO, WE DON'T HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD!" Shouts the Infant in pure excitement.

The girl suddenly appeared to have eyes! They were a beautiful shade of purple and was the most bright in the room. She closed her eyes, and FLASH. Everything disappeared before me. Everything is in slow motion. Nothing is normal with what's in front of me. Right now, I am in a colourful swirl. And another FLASH comes into my mind. I'm not in my home anymore, I don't know where my family is, my sister Amy is possessed by the infant, I talked to a God, I killed my best friends and I'm now in a teleport?! How could anything get any worst? I mean, me, some ordinary girl, starting out in an orphanage, so overwhelmed but excited to be adopted in a new home. Then, it all comes to this. What have I done wrong to deserve this? I felt like bursting into tears at that point, I never thought that my life would CHANGE. "Marie..." I hear something, someone calling my name. "Marie?" I hear again. "MARIE, WAKE UP!" I hear a shout. I open my eyes, fuzzy figures appear in to view. "What, where are we?" I ask, feeling dazed. "We're on our way to Taurus Mountain." says Amy/Infant. As soon as I have my eyes adjusted, I suddenly focused on the girl. Her eyes were hollow again. But she seemed different. She was breathing heavily, like rocks scraping along hard ground. She had sharper teeth then before, and her nails were getting razor sharp. "Hello?" I ask her, to get her attention. She looks up, looking like she's thirsty for blood. "Go!" She yells, her voice deeper and rougher than last time. "But-" I get cut off by her. "GO!" She shouts louder, that sounded like a piercing scream. The infant and I run for dear life, thinking the girl would come for us. She really did change.

"Come on." Says the Infant. sounding like she's the queen of the world. "Hurry, you-" I cut her off. "Idiot, slow poke, scaredy cat?" I ask, wondering what she'll say. She pauses in silence. We keep on running the rest of the way. "There it is, Taurus Mountain!" Shouts the infant in enthusiasm. As I look up, a tall misty mountain comes into view. The mountain looked nothing like a bull, or even an animal. The mountain looked like what she imagined with Mount Everest, except not snowy and cold. It looked earthy and beautiful. "Woah!" I gasp, looking at the massive mountain. "Let's head off." Says the infant, running off again. As I follow the infant, the mountain gets closer and closer, bigger and bigger. Looking up, the sky was cloudy and blue. The sun shown through the clouds. Fresh air went into her lungs, feeling as soothing as cough lollies through a sore throat. Everything seemed right in the world, even though she has done so much wrong in the past.

We started up the tenth set of stairs to the top of the bridge, where the entry is. All I could hear was laughter, a blood curdling sound of laughter. Black silhouettes appeared around every inch of the place. I felt like I was being followed. I had this sickening feeling in my gut, that something was going to go wrong. I WAS RIGHT.

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