Christmas at Godric's Hollow

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The inferi crawled towards them, looking grotesque and unnatural as they closed in on Cassie, James and Lily, surrounding them and forming an inescapable circle. For once even James looked a little scared as the horrifying mass limped towards them.

“Now would be a great moment for a bright idea Lily,” said Cassie as she shot spell after spell into the huddled bodies, each one different as she searched for some way to stop the bodies.

“I can’t think of anything!” screamed Lily as one inferius lunged towards her, its hands clawing at her robes. “I don’t know anything about them!”

“Inferi,” muttered Cassie over and over again as she tried to remember her Auror training. “Fire! They hate fire!” she shouted as she remembered something Moody had mentioned.

James immediately shot tongues of flame at the bodies surrounding him, successfully making them back off a little. “We need to get out of here!” he cried. “You two go first and I’ll hold them off as you Disapparate!”

“Go Cassie!” yelled Lily, effectively forcing Cassie to Disapparate. As she did so, one of the inferi clutched at the air where she had been moments before. James grabbed Lily’s hand as the corpses converged on them, their fires only just keeping them away. “There are too many!” she screamed to James, brandishing her wand frantically.

Suddenly the inferi began to crawl away, lumbering between the trees and abandoned houses and James and Lily watched them in shock.

“What happened?” Lily asked quietly.

“I’m not sure but we need to get out of here before whatever’s coming next arrives,” replied James, looking about him alertly as he kept his guard up. The pair of them turned on the spot, expecting to feel themselves sucked into the air. Nothing happened. They were still in exactly the same place, the trees standing like lonely and withered crones, leaning in as the wind whispered secrets in their ears; the houses still stood and watched them, the air of abandonment which hung around them leaving James and Lily with an eerie prickling on the back of their necks.

“He must have been expecting that,” murmured Lily as she held her wand out in front of her, preparing to fight.

Suddenly a pale face appeared from the darkness, its blood red eyes glowing in anticipation and James’ grip on Lily’s hand tightened. “Well, you fought well,” Voldemort said. “I hope you enjoyed my little test, especially you, Lily Potter.”

“What do you want?” challenged James.

Voldemort laughed, a high pitched laugh which resounded through the trees. “I want both of you to join me; yes even you Lily. As I said last time, I’m sure I can make a… special exception for someone of your talent.”

“We will never join you!” cried Lily fiercely. “We told you that once before!”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” he said, “minds can easily be changed. I need only remind you that rather a lot of lives hang on this decision, yours included.”

“We would rather die than join you!” replied James, making Voldemort laugh again.

“You never learn! All of you are so… foolish. Do you truly think that you stand a chance against me? Lord Voldemort? Look around you Potters. Your Ministry is in ruins-”

“The Ministry hasn’t fallen to you yet though!” interrupted James.

“But it will soon. Dumbledore and his pathetic attempt at fighting back are being picked off by my Death Eaters, Muggles are dying in their droves – I’m sure you both care deeply about that – and I am the most powerful wizard here! It really wouldn’t hurt for you to join me,” he said, his voiced laced with menace. “And if you don’t… well I have no issue with killing the pair of you,” he continued, holding his wand out deliberately.

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