First Days at Hogwarts

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“What’s our first lesson?” asked Cassie, her mouth full of cereal.

“Ew,” said Lily as Cassie then proceeded to open her mouth as far as it could go. “You’re so disgusting!” laughed Lily as she looked at the timetable McGonagall had just given them. “Potions.”

“Potions… where’s that?”

“It says the dungeons,” said Lily as she consulted the timetable.

“I still think Snivellus works better; it has a nicer ring to it,” said Sirius as he and James walked past with Lupin, closely followed by Pettigrew.

“Oh look, they have an entourage already; bet they’re glad about that,” said Lily bitterly, her voice brimming with hatred.

“They’re allowed to have friends,” said Cassie as they grabbed their books. “Shall we go?”

Outside the Potions classroom Lily went deathly pale. “What- what if I can’t do it Cassie?” she asked quietly. “I mean, I’m not a witch. What if I do everything wrong?”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine Lily,” she reassured. “I know, how about we go together if we work in pairs? That way, if we get it wrong then it’ll look bad on both of us.”

Lily nodded, a little bit of her confidence returning. “Ok, sure.”

Suddenly the Gryffindor chatter was interrupted by a bumbling man walking along the corridor. “Are you my first year class? Delightful, delightful, do come in,” he said as he unlocked the door.

Lily gasped and smiled, “Oh look, Cassie!”

Behind the teacher trailed a number of Slytherins, every single one wearing a haughty look as they eyed the Gryffindors. Last of all of them was a skinny boy with greasy black hair. “Can we be partners?” he whispered as he gave Lily a small smile before disappearing into the classroom.

The Gryffindors filed in after them and took their places at the desks. “Now!” said the teacher. “My name is Professor Slughorn and I will be teaching you Potions this year. Potions are wonderful, with them you can… heal all kinds of ailments, change the way you look, become invisible, stop curses, kill people and even make them think that they’re in love! Although that particular potion is actually illegal,” he said with an awkward laugh. “If you all have your books, let’s begin. We’re going to start by finding partners and making an Anti-Sickness Potion.”

The black haired boy was almost at their table before Lily said, “I’m sorry Sev but I promised Cassie we’d go together just before you arrived. Maybe next time?” she said with a small smile.

His face fell and he nodded slowly. “Yeah, maybe next time.”

“What’s up Snivellus, got no friends?” called James as he came out from behind his cauldron.

“Pity that, guess you’d better go and hang out with your Slytherins over there then,” said Sirius as he flicked a beetle eye at the boy. “Off you go! We don’t want any stinky Slytherins over here, especially not you!”

Severus walked away slowly and Lily turned on James and Sirius. “What did you do that for?” she hissed at them. “That was horrible! Sev has loads of friends! You’re the two people who shouldn’t have any! I hope everyone hates you for the rest of your time here at Hogwarts!” she said, venom dripping from her voice.

“Lily,” Cassie said, unheard as Lily ranted on. “Lily?” she tried again. “LILY!”

“WHAT?” she cried.

“Your potion’s about to boil over and you have the shrew’s tails in your hand.”

“Oh right. Thanks,” she said as she turned back to her potion.

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