Chapter 1

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OKAY. So I don't have a book cover yet, but I will in a couple days. I just couldn't wait to start this book and to give you all another chapter!

Katniss P.O.V.

Rye cries to the top of his lungs, the noise echoing throughout mine and Peeta's bedroom. He lays on the end of the bed as Peeta tries to quickly change his diaper so we can go back to sleep.

"Shh. You gotta be quiet, little buddy, so that you don't wake your sister up," Peeta tells Rye softly.

"Mommy," Willow says sleepily as she walks into the room.

"Go back to bed, baby girl," I tell her.

"But the baby's crying," she says concernedly.

"He's okay, Willow," Peeta tells her. "He just needed his diaper changed."

"Oh," Willow says. "Him is not hurting?"

"No, Willow," Peeta assure her. "Go back to bed."

"Okay, Daddy." Willow comes over and kisses the top of Rye's head before returning to her room. Peeta picks Rye up and hands him to me so I can rock him back to sleep.

"You'd better be glad that you have such a nice big sister or else she'd be mad that you woke her up," I tease Rye. Peeta comes over and lay's back down beside of me. Rye tries to find Peeta and I laugh as he moves his head as far as he can make it go. Peeta moves so Rye can see him and Rye's little eyes light up.

"Do you see your Daddy?" I ask Rye. He just stares at Peeta and Peeta smiles at him.

"Hey, buddy," Peeta says softly as he runs his thumb over Rye's cheek. Rye's bottom lip starts to quiver and his eyes fill up with tears. "Oh, what's the matter Rye?"

Rye starts squalling and I start rocking him again. "Shh. You're okay," I tell him. "Mommy and Daddy are right here." Peeta quickly grabs Rye's pacifier, but Rye just lets it fall out of his mouth.

"Mommy just fed you and I just changed your diaper," Peeta tells him. "So what's the matter, little dude?"

"Is him okay?" Willow asks loudly from her bedroom.

"He's fine, baby girl. Go back to bed," I tell her. I look down at Rye and frown. "Is your tummy hurting?" I ask Rye as I begin to gently rub his stomach. His face is as red as fire and his little hands are clenched into tight, tiny fists.

"I didn't know that a two day old, three pound baby could get this mad," Peeta says.

I laugh a little and shake my head. "He sure does have a temper."

"Takes after his Mommy," Peeta says. I raise an eyebrow at him and he smiles at me. Rye's screams get impossibly louder and I look down at him helplessly.

"Here," Peeta says as he reaches out his arms. "Let me take him." I pass Rye to Peeta carefully. "Come on, little buddy," Peeta tells Rye as he stands up off the bed. "Let's go downstairs so your Mommy and sister can sleep."

"Is he okay?" I ask worriedly. Peeta leans over and kisses my forehead.

"He's fine, Katniss," Peeta tells me. "I think his belly's just bothering him." I nod and Peeta leaves the room with our baby boy.

"Mommy?" Willow says quietly as she comes back into our bedroom. "Is my baby brudder okay?"

"He's fine, Willow," I tell her. "Daddy's going to calm him down."

"Oh," Willow says.

"Come here," I say as I pat the bed beside of me. Willow comes over and lays down, curling up as close to me as she can get.

"How old is Rye?" Willow asks curiously.

"Two days," I tell her. She sighs and shakes her head.

"Him is gonna drive me nuts," she says dramatically. I laugh and kiss the top of her head.

"You'll be alright," I tell her. "Go on to sleep." Willow nods and closes her beautiful, bright blue eyes. I try to go to sleep, but I can't without Peeta.

So instead of sleeping, I just lay here and hold Willow closely. It still amazes me how blessed we are to have this beautiful, sweet little girl, and now we have our handsome baby boy.

I hear little sniffles coming from Rye, and I look over to see Peeta walking towards me. He lays Rye down in the bassinet beside our bed.

"He's got the hiccups now," Peeta says.

"Is he okay now?"

"Yeah," Peeta says softly as he gently lays down on the other side of Willow. "It didn't take him long to stop crying "

"Willow barely cried unless she was wanting something or something was bothering her," I say. "But I have a feeling that Rye's going to cry about everything." Peeta chuckles and reaches over to lay his hand on my cheek. I close my eyes and smile softly.

"I love you," Peeta says.

"I love you too," I tell him. I turn my head to look at Rye. "And we love you too, baby boy." Rye lets out a soft coo and I smile. "Yes," I say quietly. "You and your sister both."

"Mommy, what is him crying for this time?" Willow asks me as she sits down beside of me on our bed.

"He's hungry, Willow," I tell her. She sighs.

"Well then you need to feed him, Mommy," Willow says as if she's teaching me something I don't know.

I laugh at her. "I will as soon as Daddy gets done fixing Rye's bottle."

"Well him need to hurry," Willow says. "Rye's face is getting all scrunchied up like Daddy's does when him gets mad." I laugh again and shake my head at her.

"Rye, your sister is funny," I tell him. Willow leans over and pats Rye's head.

"You not gots to cry, little brudder," Willow says. "Daddy is fixing you food which is good 'cause Mommy tries to fix my food sometimes, but it ain't no good."

I scoff. "Willow." She looks up at me with a sweet smile and giggles.

"I am just kidding, Mommy," she tells me. 

"No you weren't," I tease as I poke Willow's belly. She squeals out, which then sends Rye into an even louder fit.

"I'm here," Peeta says as he rushes over to hand me Rye's bottle.

"Good," Willow says. "'Cause my ears are hurting." Peeta chuckles as I begin to feed Rye. His little cries immediately stop as he begins to eat.

"Daddy? How come Rye cries and him gets what him wants, but I get in trouble if I cry when I want sum'ing?" Willow asks. Peeta reaches over and pulls Willow up into his lap.

"Willow, you're big enough to tell us what you want instead of throwing a tantrum over it," Peeta tells her. "The only way Rye can let us know if he needs something is by crying."

Willow thinks for a minute. "Daddy, am I as annoying as Rye when I cry? 'Cause if I am, I promise I won't cry no mores." Peeta and I laugh at Willow and shake our heads. That kid.

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