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Moe and Taylor got in a car accident, the team in on their way to the hospital and the doctor just walked into the waiting room

Emilys pov

The doctor just walked in and I grab Morgan's hand.

"Family of Taylor?" He asks

I raise my hand and he walks over.

"Well I have good and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" He asks

"Bad" says Morgan

"Well her injuries are extremely bad, she has a pretty bad head injury as well as a broken back and a severely strained neck. Her wrist is broken. She's currently in a coma. We won't know how long she will be in the coma or if she will even wake up." He says

"Can we see her?" I ask

"Yes follow me" he says

We get up and walk to her room. The doctor opens the door for us and we walk in. My heart breaks seeing Taylor like this. She had tubes everywhere and she was pale.

Moe had tears going down her cheeks, I pulled her into a hug and that's when she lost it, she sobbed in my arms and I stood there and held her.

Once she calmed down I slowly let her go and I kept a hold of her hand.

"Thank you" she says

"No problem" I reply with a soft smile

Moe goes and sits down in one of the chairs next to Taylor and she grabs her hand. I sat down in the other chair and held Moe's other hand.

"Can you give me a minute?" She asks

"Of course, I'll just be outside, I will text the team and let them know everything." I say

"Thanks Em" she says

"No problem" I say

I walk out of the room and pull my phone out and text everyone.

Moe's pov

I waited until Em left before I pulled my chair closer to Taylor. I brought her hand to my lips and softly kisses her hand.

"Hi baby girl, I don't know if you can hear me but I want you to stay strong. Please don't leave me, I need you, Christen and Hope need you, the team needs you and so do your fans. I know you are probably in a lot of pain right now but I know you can get through this. We're all here for you and we aren't leaving you. I know you have some fight left in you. We need you to fight babe." I say wiping my tears and softly squeezing her hand.

I sat there and continued to hold her hand. Emily came back in and sat back down.

Christens pov

My plane finally landed, it was probably the longest flight ever, it seemed like time was going by so slow. I practically ran off my plane and go baggage. I called a uber and it was already waiting for me. I got in and told them to take me to the hospital where Taylor was.

We ended up passing a car that was severely damaged. I realized it was Moe's car. It's a miracle that they both survived. The last time I heard about Taylor was that she was in surgery and in critical condition.

I reached the hospital and paid the person before running into the hospital. I asked the lady at the desk where Taylor's room is and she told me and I went up to her room. I walk in and see Moe, she looked like she was sleeping. Em saw me and stood up. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"How was the flight?" She asks making sure to whisper so she didn't mean to wake Moe up.

"Very long" I reply

I bet, were you able to check your phone for the texts? She asks

"No, I just wanted to get here as fast as I could. My phones still off" I say pulling my phone out and turning it on

"She has a pretty bad head injury, she lost some blood, she has a broken back and a severely strained neck, she's in the neck brace for support. They don't know when she will wake up yet but he said that she's stable and her vitals look good." She says

"Oh my gosh" I say

It took them an hour to get her out of the car, I passed it on the way after I got the call from Moe. When I saw someone was still in the car I stopped and told them that was my best friend. So they let me say. She was pinned pretty badly. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt. They think she unbuckled to save Moe. That's why she only had a dislocated shoulder, some bruises and a small concussion. She says

"An hour? That's crazy, I passed by the accident and it's a miracle they both made it." I say

"Yeah I agree" she says

"Hope should be here soon, I heard she landed about a half hour ago." I say

"Good!" she says

"Yeah" I reply sitting down in the chair.

Taylor's pov

All I see is black, I can hear people talking but it's faded.

"Taylor baby?" I hear a voice I haven't heard in years

"Mom?" I ask

"It's me baby" she says

Wait if your here I say confused

"You aren't dead, yet. You are very close and you need to make a decision on if you want stay for them or leave and come with me." She says

"I miss you mom" I say

"I miss you too baby, but I think we both know it's not your time." She says

"How do you know?" I ask

"You are still young. This is just the beginning." She says

"What do you mean it's just the beginning." I ask

"I've seen your life baby, I don't think you want to miss out on it. Your a strong girl." She says

"What if the pain is to much?" I ask

"Like I said before your a strong girl. I'm not going to lie, it's going to be very tough but you have people you can lean on. They will help you. I wish we had more time baby but you have to choose very soon. If you wait to long your body will give out and you won't have a choice." She says

"Wait mom what do you mean?" I ask

Suddenly she disappeared

"No! Mom! Come back!" I yell

I have to choose right now.

I suddenly feel like my body is on fire.

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