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Everyone started eating and I could tell Taylor was getting very uncomfortable. She was shifting awkwardly in her chair so I grabbed her hand gently and she looked up at me.

"Your safe I promise" she says

Taylor just nods and looks up and I see she made eye contact with Ashlyn and immediately stood up and walked out of the room. I looked at Ash and I could tell she was just as confused as I was. Maybe Taylor is afraid of her because she was the one who tackled her. I shrugged it off and went after her.

I set my napkin on my plate and get up to go after her. I find her in the bathroom stall and I can tell she's crying.

"Taylor please open the door" I say softly

I hear sniffles and the door unlock

I gently push the door open and I see her sitting on the ground hugging her knees.

"It's okay I promise I'll keep you safe no matter what." I say softly

She nods and I sit down next to her and pull her into me. She sits there for a few minutes catching her breath and calming down.

"Are you ready to go back?" I ask

She nods her head and stands up and then helps me up to my feet. We walk back to the dining room and sit down in our chairs and finish our breakfast. After that Hope, Christen, Taylor and I go shopping for some clothes.

Taylor picked out four pairs of jeans, 5 shirts, 2 sweatshirts, undergarments, socks  and two pairs of Nike shoes. Christen said once they got home she would get Taylor more clothes. Hope and Christen payed for everything and then we headed back to the hotel and Taylor changed into a sweatshirt, a pair of jeans and shoes. After that we all headed to the bus.

We get to the arena and go to the locker rooms and suit up, after that we head to the field and Taylor goes and sits on one of the benches while we do our warm ups. After our warm ups we do the drills we were told to do then we broke the team in half and scrimmaged. After that we did sprints and practice ended. We got water and grabbed our bags and walked back to the locker room.

I was walking up to my bag when Taylor stood in front of me holding out a water with my bag over her shoulder.

"Thank you" I say taking the water and drinking half of it

"No problem" she replies with a soft smile.

I gently take my bag and head to the locker room. We change and get back on the bus back to the hotel. I shower and change into a pair of joggers and a loose t-shirt. Taylor was sitting on my bed watching some show that was on.
I sit down next to her and she leans into me and lays her head on my shoulder.

We watch the show for a bit and We both end up falling asleep.

"RISE AND SHINE LOVEBIRDS! DINNER IS IN 15 MINUTES!" Yells Kling walking in the room being the loud and crazy person she is.

We both groan before sitting up

"We get it Kling" I say

DINNER IN 13! She yells

"Okay! Thank you kling!" I say

"Oh no problem Moe." She says walking out like nothing happened. I shake my head and chuckle before putting on my shoes and brushing my hair . I turn to see Taylor doing the same. We head down to dinner together.

Coach Jill  did her normal announcements and we all got up to get food after. We are going over some stuff for our upcoming games. After that we could do whatever we wanted as long as we are back at the hotel by 11.

Most of us ended up staying in and watching Divergent. After that we all headed back to our rooms for the night.

Skipping a few weeks to game day

It's game day today. Taylor turned 17 about a week ago and she's all healed so Jill has put her on the roster! She's been training with us for the last two camps and she's doing great. She still keeps to herself but she has opened up to most of the team.

Taylor's pov

It's game day and I'm nervous. The last few weeks have been scary and fun. I still keep to myself but I talk more to the other girls on the team. I'm still nervous around Ashlyn Harris. I don't know why she always looks so scary and intimidating. Moe says that she looks mean on the outside but she's really just a softie on the inside.

We just got on the bus to go to the stadium. Most of us had our headphones on to get ready and focused for the game. I was sitting next to Moe like always and she was looking out the window.

We got off and grabbed our bags. There was a lot of fans behind barricades holding signs and stuff. Some of the girls stoppedb to take pictures and sign stuff. I on the other hand kept walking until I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see a little girl. She looked like she was under the age of 10.

"Can I have your autograph?" She asks

"You want my autograph?" I ask

"Yes please I want to be the first person to get your autograph before you become famous." She says holding out her soccer ball.

"I'll do you one better" I say and open my bag and pull out one of my old jerseys with my last name on it. I sign the shirt and hand it to her softly and she takes it and says thank you. I quickly sign her ball and then crouch down to her level and her mom takes a picture of us.

"Thank you Taylor" she says

"No problem" I say

After that we all continue our walk to the locker room. A few of the training staff already had our jerseys hung up around the room. My little locker was next to Moe's. We all change and get in line to walk out. We are playing New Zealand.

We walk out in a line alone with New Zealand and they go through the national anthems and then the captains meet up with the refs while we warmed up a bit.

After that we got on the field and the ref blew the whistle and the game began

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