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We just got a corner and I go to take it. I kick it into the box and Taylor is able to head it in. Some of the players went down including Taylor and everyone got up except Taylor. I jogged over to her

Still Moe's pov

The ref blows her whistle stopping the game and signaling for a penalty, Carli plans on taking it.

She was slightly gasping and coughing while holding her neckJulie signaled for the trainers and then the trainers signaled for the paramedics. The stadium was silent. The paramedics put oxygen on Taylor and put her in a neck brace before putting her on the stretcher and wheeling her off. The game continued. The crowd chanted her name.

"Come on guys let's with this for Taylor" I say

"USA on three ready? 1 2 3!" Yells Carli

"USA" we all yell

Carli takes the penalty and misses, the ball bounces around the box, Tobin passes back to me and I'm able to kick the ball into the far top right corner.

I take off running and jump into Tobin's arms.

"USA USA USA" I chant

Soon enough the whole stadium is chanting. The game ends 2-0 and we walk off the field, we immediately grab our stuff and head to the locker room. I walk past one of the offices and see Taylor in here. I set my stuff down and change and then head into the room with Hope and Christen right behind me.

"Hello girls" says Dawn

"Hi is she okay?" I ask

"We reviewed the playback of what happened and she was elbowed in the throat and it knocked the air out of her. I put some muscle relaxer on it and gave her some pain medication. She should be fine she just needs rest." She says

"Thank you Dawn" I say

"No problem, let's get our stuff ready the bus should be here to take us back to the hotel." she says

Hope and Christen grab Taylor's stuff and I help Taylor sit up.

"You scared the hell out of me!" I say

"I know I'm sorry" she says

"I'm just glad your okay."  I say hugging her

"Me too" she says hugging me back

We walk to the bus together and head back to the hotel. We both shower (not together) and then we turn on the tv and watch random tv shows until we both fall asleep.

Next morning
Taylor's pov

I wake up to  my alarm, I didn't feel we are leaving to go to Salt Lake City Utah. I shake Moe softly to wake her up.

"Come on babes it's time to wake up" I say with a horse voice

She wakes up.

"You don't sound good" she saysb

"Yeah I don't that good" I say

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