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Taylor's pov

I wake up to Moe's alarm. I didn't feel the best but I was all sweaty.

"Hey  beautiful, how are you feeling?" Asks

"A little better" I mumble

She sets her hand on my forehead and pulled away after a few seconds smiling.

"You're fever broke" she says

"Good right?" I ask  

"Yeah it's really good babe! That means you don't have a fever." She says

"Yay!" I say getting up out of bed

"Do you feel better?" She asks

"Yeah I feel a lot better." I say

"Good do you think you will play in Wednesday's game?" She asks

"I'm not sure, if I can show coach I'm feeling better today in practice maybe I will play but if not it will be okay." I say

"Promise me one thing." she says

"What's up?" I ask

"If you start feeling horrible please tell Dawn and sit out even if it's just for a while." She says

"I promise I will do that." I say

Good! We should head down for breakfast she says getting up and changing and I do the same. I brush my teeth and grab my bag and hand Moe's bag to her and then we both head down for breakfast. Jill does her announcements like she does every day and then we all eat.

Hey Taylor it's good to see you up and around, how are you feeling? Asks Jill

"Good! I feel a lot better." I say

"Do you feel like practicing today?" She asks

"Yeah if I need to stop I will" I say

"Good I'll see you girls on the bus soon" she says walking away and sitting down at the table with the other coaches.

"Yes coach" we all say

We all continue to eat our food before we head to the bus. I grab my bag and walk with Moe to the bus. Once we are all on the bus we head to the stadium and head to the locker rooms. Change and put our stuff in our lockers and then head on the field and start our practice.

We warmed up and stretched and then we scrimmaged against each other and then we did some conditioning. After that we head to the locker rooms for recovery. Carli and Hope filled up the ice baths and we all just relaxed and talked. After a while we headed to the bus back to the hotel. I showered first and then Moe got in after me.

We both got in my bed and watched a movie until dinner.

We had about ten minutes before dinner and Moe and I just walked out of our room. Julie and Christen walk out and Julie wraps my arms around my neck and pulls you into me.

"Hey shortie." she says

"Hey I'm not that short" I say pouting

"Aw JJ look what you did you made her sad!" Moe says pulling me into a hug.

"Okay fine I'm sorry please don't be sad" she says

"It's alright" I say hugging her softly

We all walk to the dining hall and sit down as Jill  goes over our schedules and announcements and then we get in line to get food.

After that we all get on the bus and head to practice. We warm up and then do some passing and shooting drills before doing some sprints. After that we head to the locker room and do our recovery. After that we grab our stuff and head back to the hotel and I hop in the shower and the Moe gets in after me.

Some of the girls wanted to grab lunch together at a local sandwich place so once we got ready we headed down to the lobby and met the other girls. We walked down the street and ordered our sandwiches. After that we moved some tables together and sat down and talked and ate our food.

After that we ended up just walking around and then we headed to the hotel. We all did our own things until dinner.

Moe and I are currently watching Friday Night Lights. The show was actually pretty good. After the episode ended we decided to get ready for tonight's dinner. We found out that we are going to Applebee's for dinner.

Once we all orders our food we talked about our next game and some other things. We all ate our food before going back to the hotel. Most of the team wanted to have a movie night. Kling brought her Apple TV so she set that up in our room. She turned on suicide squad and we all watched it.

It was close to the end of the movie, I looked around to see most of the team asleep. Tobin was awake and so was Alex, Christen Tobin and Julie.

We woke up everyone and they headed back to their  rooms. Moe and I ended up falling asleep soon after everyone was gone.

Skipping a few days

Still Taylor's pov

I wake up to my alarm. We have a flight at 11 to go to California. We have a game coming up against Germany. After this game we have three  weeks off and I go home with Christen for one week, then I fly to Seattle to stay with Hope for a week and then I will finish the last week with Moe.

Moe's pov

I wake up to Taylor shaking me softly. We both get up and get ready and we pack our bags. Taylor just got done brushing her teeth and I head in after and then put my shoes on before making sure we have everything. We head down to the dining hall and grab our breakfast while Jill does her announcements.

We head to the bus and the driver takes us to the airport. Once we get our bags checked in and everything. We  wait for our flight to be called before we board the plane. The plane takes off and I end up falling asleep.

Sorry it took me a while to update I promise to try and update more! If you want anything to happen or if you have ideas don't be afraid to let me know! I'm always open for ideas! Thanks for reading

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