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We are currently playing New Zealand and we are winning by 1 so far. Kling was the one to score in the 14th minute. The ref blew her whistle signaling the end of the first half. The players jogged off the field and we all headed to the locker room.

"Great job ladies, I'm subbing three at the start of the second half. Taylor you are going in for Carli , Christen for Alex and Morgan for Lindsey. Let's get out there and finish strong." Says Jill

We all nod and head back onto the field.

In the second half we score three more times, I scored in the 74th minute, Julie scores two minute later and Moe scores the last goal in the 81st minute.

The ref blew her whistle and we jogged off the field. She arena was chanting USA. We shook hands with New Zealand and headed straight to the bus and changed. After that we headed to the bus and I was one of the last ones to get out of the locker room. I walk past this group of girls

"So your the one Christen and Hope adopted? says some girl says asking more like a question

I just nod

"Why would they adopt you?" She asks

"They probably did it out of pity". Says another girl

"They could have found someone who is actually pretty and talented" she says

"Why don't you back off" says Tobin walking back to me causing Christen, Alex, Hope, Ashlyn and Moe to come over

"What we were just saying the truth" says the girl.

"Your right she's not pretty, she's beautiful, the only on who's ugly is you are your fake ass friends. If I ever see you talking to her like that again I will  have no problem kicking  all of your asses" says Moe grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bus.

We all got on and headed back to the hotel. No one said a word and we once  everyone was out and in the hotel we headed to our rooms  and showered. Moe got in first and I got in after. We didn't really speak after I got out of the shower. It was peaceful and quiet. I ended up falling asleep.

Moe's pov

Taylor just fell asleep so I decided to go talk to Tobin because I didn't know everything that was said back at the stadium between those girls and Taylor. I grab my room key and walk out and go the few doors down to Tobin's room, I knock on the door and Allie opens it.

"Hey Al is Tobin in there?" I ask

Yeah Moe come on in! She says opening the door more letting me in.

I walk in and Tobin is sitting on her phone.

"Hey Tobs" I say

"Hey Moe what's up?" She asks setting her phone down.

"Do you know what those girls told Taylor back at the stadium?" I ask

"I only heard bits and pieces, Is Taylor not telling you?" She asks

"No she hasn't said a word to me, she's asleep right now so I figured I would talk to you." I say

"Hang on Christen and Hope wanted to know as well so let me text them so I can tell all three of you at the same time." she says pulling out her phone and texting on her phone.

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