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Taylor's pov

My alarm goes off and I turn it off. Moe stirs awake after me and we both get up and pack our bags. After making sure we have everything we grab our bags and head down to the lobby to meet up with the rest of the team. After that we head on the bus and we are taken to the airport and we all head home one by one.

Soon enough Moe's flight got called. I walked with her to her gate and hugged and kissed her goodbye and watched her go through the check in before the worker closed the door. I watched the plane take off before I headed back to Christen and Hope. After a half hour Moms plane got called and I hugged her.

"I'll see you in two weeks okay kiddo?" Says Christen

"Okay mom have a good flight be safe." I respond hugging her

"I will and text me when you land okay?" She ask

"Okay text us when you land too" I respond

Will do I'll see you soon she says kissing my forehead and hugging me one last time before going to her gate. I watched her plane take of as well and then hope and I's plane got called. We boarded the airplane and then once everyone was on the plane took off. I turned my music on and fell asleep

Hopes pov

Our plane just landed and I'm excited to have Taylor staying with me. I shake her awake softly and tell her we landed and then we grab our carry ons and we headed off the plane. We went down the escalators and then we walked to baggage claim and waited for our bags. I had already called for a Uber and we got to my house.

I helped Taylor unpack and then we went and got a few things for her room and some food to have in the house. Once we got home we made homemade pizza for dinner.

After that we watched a movie and then Taylor went upstairs to go to bed. I followed soon after and fell asleep.

Taylor's pov

This is the first time I will sleep alone in a while. I am kinda nervous about it. Moe texted me earlier saying her flight got in and she's visiting with her family for the week. She told her parents about her and I and she said that they were shocked at first but they accepted her and said they are happy that she's happy. I texted Moe goodnight before falling asleep

Next morning

I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I wake up and shower before changing into clean clothes and I head downstairs.

"Good morning momma" I say

"Good morning kiddo, how did you sleep?" She asks

"Good" I respond sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.

"Good" she responds putting some bacon, eggs and pancakes on the two plates. She hands me one plate and then places the other one next to me and grabs two glasses.

"Juice? Chocolate milk or regular milk?" She asks

"Chocolate milk please" I say softly

She pours some chocolate milk for me and some apple juice for her.

"Here you go" she says

"Thanks" I respond

"What do we want to do today?" She asks

"What do you normally do on breaks?" I ask

"I normally go to the park and kick the ball around or I go to the gym" she says

"So basically everything soccer related?" I ask

"Kind of" she replies laughing "just not as intense" she finishes after she laughs.

"Okay" I say laughing

"We could walk around town and get you some more clothes" she says

"Yeah that sounds like fun, then we can go to the gym after" I say

"Okay after we eat I'll go get ready and then we will go okay?" She asks

"Okay" I respond

After we finish eating we both get ready and head to the car. We head to the mall and walk around. The first store we go to is the Apple Store. I look at hope

"I'm getting you a iPhone since you have that crappy basic phone and a MacBook for school. And a Apple TV for your room. I already talked with Christen and she's gonna pay half and I'm paying for the other half. What color do you want?" She asks

I ended up getting the jet black iPhone 7. And Hope picked out the laptop. After that we put the laptop on hold until we were done shopping.

We went to a couple other stores and I got some shirts, jeans and shoes. After that we got some sandwiches at the food court before heading back to the Apple Store and grabbing my laptop before we headed home. Hope helped me set up my phone and lap top and then helped me put my stuff away before we got ready to go to the gym. We got in the car and drove to the gym. I used Hope's guess pass and we ended up just lifting weights and running on the treadmill for a half hour and then we went home and showered. After that I helped Hope make dinner. We had chicken and vegetables.

We decided to watch a movie until we both fell asleep.

Skipping the the end of the week

This week has been a lot of fun with Hope. We went to the movies, we went to the gym, we kicked the ball around at the park, watched movies, FaceTimed some of the girls. I FaceTimed Moe every night before going to bed.

I'm both sad and excited to leave Hope. I'm sad I'm leaving her and I'm excited to spend the week with Moe. Hope is taking me to the airport now and I hug her goodbye

"Text me when you land and please FaceTime me every night. Call me if you need me I will be on the next flight." She says hugging me

"I will momma" I respond hugging her back

"Okay be safe" she says

"You too" I say

I walk to security and go through security before I wait for my flight to be called. After that I board the plane and soon enough it takes off. No one was sitting next to me so I put my music on and fell asleep soon after.

Skipping to landing

I jolted awake when I felt the plane land. I rubbed my eyes and waited until it was my time to get off. I grabbed my carry on and head to baggage claim I grab my bag and turn around to see..

Sorry for the cliffhanger haha I'll try to update again today let me know if you want anything to happen or if you have any ideas!

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