Chapter 10 | Memories Pt. 1

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Chapter 10

The memories haunting Rose as she tries to clear her mind as the boys are walking along the forest with the sound of bark breaking and shakes around the bushes. With the help of Hyuk, Kiseop and N, the two are jumping along the tree's above, so they have a good view of the surroundings. Every time when Rose closes her eyes, memories of the past about Kiseop's scar - how it was placed there - made her mind getting paranoid about the incident.

She didn't mean to get Kiseop into trouble when they were walking throught the forest after Grade 5, as some figures followered the two. The memory about this nightmare has been continuing since Ken left... with his cruse. The time when Rose fell in the hole in a steep place in the forest, she tried to hold Kiseop's arm to provent from falling but Kiseop was distracted as his evil step mother calling for him. He lost Rose's grip until he felt her hand on his leg and tried to hold tight of her. The more time they held tight, the more painful the grip is for the two and slowly losing grip.

'I'm not giving up yet.' Kiseop spoke as he tried to pull Rose up.

She sighed as she looked down for a bit, 'It won't work...'

'Yes, it will.' He started to pull her up.

Rose gasped as she saw his step-mother, 'What are you doing with this flithy girl.' She hissed at her. 'Let her go.' She demanded.

'As if' He replied trying to pull Rose up.

'What did you say?' an annoyed tone was heard from the step-mother as she took out her blade.

Rose screamed, 'Kiseop. Be careful!' With a swing, Kiseop's step-mother attacked, losing grip of Rose and cut Kiseop bad, under his eye.

'KISEOP!' Rose yelled as she quickly held grip on a tree root below.

'Argh!' Kiseop yelled.

An evil laugh was heard, 'That's what you get when you don't listen to me.' His step-motehr laughed as it slowly fated along with her figure.

Kiseop held the blood in with a scream, 'FUCK! Rose!" He noticed that he lost grip off Rose.

'I'm still here.' She screamed as Kiseop could just hear her. 'Be brave!'

She yelled as her arm is slowly sliding of the tree root. 'Kiseop... I would like to say is that...' Rose tried to hold the grip on but failed. 'I LOVE YOU!' She screamed as she fell, and went through the potrol to Earth.

'Don't leave me here... ROSE!' He yelled as the potrol closed.

Rose cried on Ravi's shoulder as the nightmare will continue if she falls asleep. So she tries to keep her eyes open and just stare at Ravi's face and the direction, where they are going. She felt spikes attacking the thick layer of her heart, which is a sign that she only has ten days to get to the lake in time. N and Hyuk stopped ahead on the tree's and warned Hongbin, Leo and Ravi to stop and hide quickly into the bushes. There was foot steps going past the group and noticed some sharp clawes that they saw through the tiny spaces in the bushes - it was the same wolves that was after Rose before and mistaken her as Amber. Rose gripped her shirt where heart is and tighten her shirt holding in the pain for the 'spikes' that's piecering through the thick layer. She closed her eyes again and memories continued as the usual.

'We am I?' Rose spoke as she tried to get up but collapsed a forest. 'Kiseop... Where am I?'

It is simialr to the forest as the normal world - not Earth - with the sun burning her skin as time when by but she had no energy and slept. Sleeping in the hot sun, in a middle of the forest, where she doesn't know. Rose felt someone carrying her in their arms and placing her on a smooth and soft falt surface as they laid her. A hot water small towel was folded in half and was placed on her forehead. The warm water released some tensed muscles on her bodies and reliefed her mind. She slowly opened her eyes as she heard some voices and a light shinning in her eyes, making it blurry for her so she got up and wiped her eyes.

'Where am I?' Rose asked.

'What's your name?' A young guy that looks like the same age as Rose.

Rose stopped and thought. 'I don't remember.' She felt lost as her memories on her homeland has been erased and she doesn't remember her name.

'My name is Peniel.' This Peniel guy introduced himself. 'If you don't have a name or don't remember...' He thought.

Peniel seemed to be a nice guy but too tell the truth, his a rapist. He rape's any girls that he see's by themself. He seem nice and friendly. But don't be fooled by his dark-brown eyes, this soft dark-brown-close-to-jet-black eye brows and short light brown hair, similar to melted chocolate in the light. His casual look of plain white t-shirt, simple denim pants, black vans shoes with his small birds tattoo's on his wrist.

Rose mumbled, 'Call me Hyomin...' Rose/Hyomin looked up at Peniel with a small smirk. 'Where am I?' She asked.

'This is my place in the city.' He paused. 'I saw you falling out of a some sort of a potrol - if I'm correct - I found you collasped and weak.' He looked at her with a soft smile.

Hyomin blushed, 'Thanks'.

With Ravi shaking Rose to wake up, it's dangerous for her to go back to the nightmare about her past on Earth.

"Wake up..." Ravi whispered.

She opened her eyes in a hurry - making sure not to see the dangerous sight, "I'm awake..." as she gripped on

Ravi's shirt tight. A sign of her being scared about the nightmare.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"I'll explain later." She whispered as the two wolves came closer to them.

With the two holding there breathes, they felt the heavy breathes against them, "Where is the Princess?" The grey wolf ask.

"I swore I've heard them here." The other spoke.

'What are you two's doing here?!" A loud deep voice spoke.

"Master Ken... I mean Queen's Knight, Royal Ken." The two bowed.

Ken laugehd evil. "Get lost. The Queen wants you to again."

"Yes master." The ran.

"What complete waeklings they are." Ken laughed as his evil side has grown stronger. "I know your here Rose~" He sang happily.

Rose closed her mouth and thought,

"Shit. This isn't the right time..."

"Show yourself." He demanded.

Rose looked at Ravi and she tried to get free but Ravi ignored and kept her tight. "Leave me please..." She whispered softly.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Haven't got all day." Ken spoke.

Rose ignored and got up holding her pain in, "Yeah you want me?" She walked up to Ken.

Ken laughed, "What a weak Princess you are." He continued. "You know that you're getting your nightmare's from the past."


"If you die or get stuck in your dreams... then you'll never wake up." The light-sided Ken spoke. "Don't listen to Ken." The evil one spoke. "I must have your powers before he has it." He ordered.

"What happens if I won't let you have it?" She smirked.

"Then this." Ken used his controlling powers on her making her float on air.

"Let me DOWN NOW!" She yelled.

"Never." Dark-side Ken laughed as he chucked her at a tree where N was and pushed him off the tree with her landing on the ground on top of Ken.

"Come out, where ever you are~" He sang. "I know that you guys are still there."

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