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-Chapter 51-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

We drove in two separate vehicles since the black 2016 NV Passenger had been destroyed during North and Matthew's journey to bring Matthew's motorcycle back.

I rode with Dr. Green, Matthew, Kota, and Nathan, who had me tucked under his big arm. He had fallen asleep with his head against the window, and something told me that he could sleep through anything.

Beside me, I could hear Kota counting quietly to himself. I poked him. "Are you nervous?"

"Afraid," he answered, adjusting his glasses.

"You should be," Matthew said from the passenger seat. "You're not a good shot."

"So let me wait in the car."

"Do whatever you want. If you can't promise you'll listen to me when we get through those doors then you're more of a liability than anything." Matthew rubbed his hand across his stubbled jaw. "Seriously. What if you were in the military and someone was opening fire at your squadron? If you're going to tuck tail and run instead of holding your position, then stay out of the way."

I could see Dr. Green watching us through the rear-view mirror. "Pookie, how are you holding up?"

I gave him the thumbs up and saw him wink at me.

"You're cute in that vest," said Dr. Green.

"She's safe in that vest," said Matthew.

For a long time we drove in silence and I pulled out my phone to text North.

Me: How is everyone over there?

North Bear: You know, hanging in there. Everyone says hello. Mr. Blackbourne wants to know if you have your seatbelt on and Luke wants you to know that he's writing you a song.

Me: Of course I'm wearing my seatbelt ;) I can't wait to hear Luke's song. Are they reading my texts over your shoulder or anything?

North Bear: No, it's just you and me.

Me: I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, North, back when I first met you. You're different than I expected, and I'm glad we met.

North Bear: Don't text like this is goodbye. When tomorrow comes we'll all still be here and the missions will be over and you'll be Academy and you'll have to choose which of us you want to be with

Me: Can't I have all of you? (teasing...)

North Bear: Kota is moving away next fall. Nathan is going to get his pilot's license. I've got my garage. Luke has the restaurant. Dr. Green has his internship. Mr. Blackbourne has Dr. Green. Gabriel has his clothes. Victor has his piano. And Silas...Silas would choose you every time.

Me: You think I should be with Silas?

North Bear: I think you should follow your heart. None of my brothers will fault you for choosing one of the other, or falling for some of them and not others. The heart wants what the heart wants.

Me: I want this to be over.

North Bear: Us?

Me: No. Today. I want today to be over. I want to know what my life looks like after this. I want to know what's waiting.

North Bear: You're not going to die, Sang.

Me: It's not me I'm worried about.

We pulled over a few miles from the site and brought our cars into a hidden place in the woods. Gabriel took the time to paint our faces to match the forest. Camouflage is key, Matthew was saying as Gabriel thumbed over my bottom lip.

Sang's Freedom (Original And Rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ