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-Chapter 10-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

I couldn't move when I woke up. My body was stiff and probably broken in places. It hurt to breath and the Advil I had taken yesterday night had worn off. The bottle of pills was all the way over on my dresser.

I couldn't rise.

Marie pounded on my door. "Sang, the bus is going to leave without you!"

I tried to answer, but my voice was weak. It hurt to take enough air into my lungs to respond. A few moments later, I heard her footsteps pounding down the stairs and then coming back up. I was surprised to see my father standing in my door.

He let out an annoyed sigh when he saw my face. I tried to draw my blankets up higher. It had hurt too bad to dress last night so all I had on was my bra and panties. "Sang?"

"I can't go to school," I managed. "Hand me those pills?"

He did and grabbed the bottle of water of my nightstand. "Your mother was just confused, Sang. She didn't mean to do this...You can't tell anyone."

"I know."

"We need to stay here through the year. I've been given a really great opportunity, and if everything goes well, money will never be a problem again. You understand?"

"Yes, sir." I tried to sit up to take my medicine. It hurt really bad going down. "Do you think I should go to a hospital?"

"We can't risk that, Sang. You know how doctors are. We can't afford it and if we can't pay, they'll take you away. There are worse people out there than your mother."

"I don't think mom is a bad person. She's...she's just confused. She'll get better when she's not sick anymore." My words were rough and I lowered myself back to the bed. "Do we have anything that will help me sleep?"

My father rose to his feet. I noticed shadows beneath his eyes. He had been working a lot doing...whatever it was he did. He found me some sleeping pills. "Take a day or two off school, Sang. I'll call in and tell them you have the flu."

"Don't forget to let mom know."

"I won't. Sang, I'm not going to be back for a couple days. Stay out of trouble."

"I always do."

"I heard about the fight with the boys and Marie said something about you kissing someone at school."

"That's a lie..." I groaned. "She's the one bringing boys in the house."

Father shook his head. "Just don't do anything that would justify getting rid of you, understood?"

What? Those sleeping pills must kick in pretty fast. I blinked away my confusion, and then my eyes were closing.

"I'll see you in a few days, Sang."

When I woke again, my dad was gone and the only pain I had was a dull soreness just under my skin that intensified as I tried to move. It hurt like hell to sit up, but I managed it.

For a moment my room was spinning. I sat back on the edge of the bed before trying to rise again. I needed...a shirt. I didn't like feeling so exposed. The nausea intensified as I made it to my dresser and pulled out a loose cotton t-shirt.

I caught sight of my pale yellow skin in the mirror and my breath caught. Most of my body was covered in dark ugly bruises. All because of that freaking kitten.

I should have kept my head down.

Fresh tears slipped down my cheeks. Old scars crisscrossed my body.

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