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-Chapter 31-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

I woke up freaking naked.

As if it wasn't bad enough waking up in total fucking darkness handcuffed to what I thought was a radiator.

I was freezing and was torn between trying to cover myself and sitting down. My knees felt weak as I slumped to my bottom. There was carpet beneath me and I could make out a few dark shapes using the light that I now realized was pooling under what was probably the exit.

I huffed.

How long had I been here?

Luke would have tried to call me by now, wouldn't he? He would notice I was missing. Mother would have. She had to have called someone, Father at least. He would get me back if she wouldn't.

And today was Monday.

If I didn't show up at school on Tuesday, there were nine new men in my life who would notice. All I had to do was survive less than 24 hours.

I could do that.

I took a deep breath.

You know, it was probably already morning. In a couple hours, they would start tracking me somehow. I bet Dr. Green would call in some people from this Academy they're a part of and get me out of here.

They had to find me.

I jerked to my feet as I heard movement on the other side of the room. A sliver of light pierced the darkness as a door was pushed open.

I squinted, trying to shield my body from the tall man standing in the doorway.

With the light pooling behind him, I could see nothing more than a silhouette until he stepped forward.

He took another step and I dropped my face. I couldn't look at him; my cheeks burned with embarrassment and shame.

"Look at me," he ordered.

I didn't and felt rough fingers touch my cheek gently before tilting my chin up.

The man was young, barely older than Mr. Blackbourne or Dr. Green.

His hair was a deep red, nearly black with serious eyes to match. Stubble ran across his jaw and I detected the faintest scent of gasoline and sawdust coming off his leather jacket. A small 'A' was stitched onto the corner pocket.

His smile was slight, not cruel, but not kind either. "You're new."

I said nothing as my bottom lip started to tremble. Who was he? Where was I? The panic was starting to settle in. Why was he acting like this was normal? I'm naked, chained to a freaking wall!

"Don't show fear now. They'll be coming for you soon enough." The man did not so much as glance at my nakedness. "Did they bring anyone else here with you? Do you remember?"

I thought back to the moments before I had been tazed. "I...think they were going to pick up another girl. I don't know. Who are you? Can you let me out?"

The young man tilted his head slightly at the same moment I heard footsteps start down the hall.

"Someone's coming," he said, rising. "I promise I'll come back for you. Don't fight them, girl. They'll only hurt you worse, do you understand?"

My eyes were wide, and I know he saw the confusion there as he hesitated at the door.

"I promise I'll come back for you," he said again, and then the man closed the door, shutting me back into darkness.

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