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-Chapter 34-

North Taylor's POV:

It was a long, shitty night after our phone call with Eli. The guy seemed like a total prick. He barely told us anything about Sang's condition and the fucker would pay when I saw him.

We were all huddled in a group outside the car. Silas had dragged Victor out from the back seats and had him propped against the side of the vehicle. I wasn't sure what had him shaken up so bad.

He had the necklace he had found around his neck, and the usual fire in his eyes was dead as he stared off into the distance.

Gabriel was rummaging through a bag of clothes he had thought to bring along, and Dr. Green was looking over his medical supplies.

Mr. Blackbourne sat in the dirt, despite the toll it was taking on his silk grey suit.

Nathan was no better, flopped in the dirt, an arm over his eyes. Luke looked over the laminated square in his hand, and Kota was driving me out of my god damn mind with his counting. He had entered 28 million the last time I bothered listening to his whispers.

Silas was standing away from us, arms crossed as he looked up at the nearly full moon. His face could have been carved out of stone; expressionless.

I touched his shoulder. "Πώς μπορείτε να κρατήσει ψηλά?" (How are you holding up?).

Silas looked over to me. "Εμείς της απέτυχε. Άνδρες εκμεταλλεύτηκε της, και δεν θα μπορούσαμε να τους σταματήσουμε," (We failed her. Men took advantage of her, and we couldn't stop them).

I wanted to argue, but Silas was right.

We failed Sang.

The girl who came back would be different from the one stolen for us.

Who knew how far they had pushed her... Eli said Sang had been shot. He said she was naked and exhausted.

I winced. This was all my fault. I should have never let her go home to a mother like that.

"Πάω να σκοτώσει τον κ Hendricks. Δεν με νοιάζει αν έχω να πάω απατεώνων για να το κάνει. Θα σκοτώσει κάθε τελευταίος άνθρωπος που τόλμησε να βλάψει Άγκελε Mou," (I'm going to kill Mr. Hendricks. I do not care if I have to go rogue to do it. I will kill every last man who dared to harm Aggele Mou).

I looked up at Silas. "The same rage burns in me, brother." I muttered in Greek. "This Eli is in a higher band of the Academy. He wants us to help take down Hendricks's operation. We'll get our revenge."

As we spoke, there was a rustling on the far side of our camp where the road met with forest. We all looked over as one.

Sang appeared first, blonde hair flowing behind her as she laughed at something...something the man beside her said as they worked to move a large motorcycle through the terrain.

Annoyance shot through me.

Why the fuck was that idiot having Sang push that bike? She was injured! She shouldn't even have to walk after everything she has been though!

But Sang didn't look injured. Instead, that smile remained on her lips as she looked up at the man. I studied his face, wondering what about the bastard had her so entranced.

He had dark brown hair with hints of red. His eyes were like his hair. His build was good. He was close to my height; black shirt, dark jeans...was that a fucking firearm at his hip?

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