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-Chapter 2-

Gabriel Coleman's POV:

I looked down at the girl in my arms. Damn, this girl had some crazy beautiful hair.

Her hair was like a chameleon. It was mostly blonde with highlights of caramel and strawberry, and there near her ear was a strand of honey. Her face was beautiful, too. She had strong eyebrows and long lashes. Her nose was buttoned and a soft trail of freckles ran across her cheeks. I wouldn't have even noticed them had I not been so close.

"Did she just faint?" asked Luke, looking to Kota nervously.

"Yeah, we should get her inside. Gabe, do you have her?"

I nodded. She wasn't heavy. "Does anyone know who she is? It's weird she was up in that tree in the middle of the night."

"Maybe she's Batman." Kota smiled slightly, leaving Luke and I rolling our eyes.

"Do you think she's Academy?" Luke inquired, running a hand through his blond hair. "She moved like a ninja. I didn't even see her until she was two feet in front of me."

"Maybe..." Kota pulled out his phone, sending out a quick message as we walked towards his house. "Mr. Blackbourne is going to want to know about her."

We reached the house and Kota snuck in first to make sure his mother, Erica, and his sister, Jessica, were still asleep. When Kota gave us the OK, we hurried up to his bedroom and I deposited the girl onto Kota's bed. The cut on her head had stopped bleeding. Thank fuck.

"We should still get ahold of Dr. Green..." Kota said. "We don't know if she passed out from losing too much blood or if it was due to the excitement."

"When I touched her she started shaking...She thought I was going to hurt her," Luke said quietly. "I guess I did hurt her. I didn't mean to let her fall out of that tree. She just got me in the face and I couldn't react fast enough..."

It wasn't Luke's fault, I thought, and Kota said as much. "She surprised us."

"Well...from my experience, surprises end in cake. That was more of a scare for me." Luke mumbled. "It's a good thing you caught her, Gabe."

"No fucking problem, man. That's why you wanted me to come on patrol tonight. To kill spiders and stop trouble from striking from above." I flashed him a smile. "I'll call the doc."

Dr. Green answered on the second ring. He sounded like he was with a patient at the moment. "Is something wrong, Gabriel?" he asked, concern thick in his voice. "Is it Pam? Where are you?"

"Oy, it's not Pam. You sound busy, but Kota and Luke and I found this girl in the woods and--"

"This sounds the beginnings of a really messed up horror movie..."

"Dr. Green, she fell out of a tree and hit her head and now she's asleep."

He groaned. "She shouldn't be sleeping." The seriousness in the doctor's voice returned. "See if you can wake her up. Gently."

I stepped past Luke and gently patted the girl's cheek. She didn't stir. "She's not waking doc, but she is breathing."

"Where did her head hit?"

"Around the right temple."

"Is it bleeding?"

"Not so much."

"I'll be over in ten. You're at Kota's right?"


"Make sure she doesn't move around a lot if she wakes up. Have fresh bandages ready and antiseptic." The line went dead.

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