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-Chapter 24-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

I turned my cellphone off after denying another call from Luke and tossed my phone in the car consol.

"Don't let North get to you, Pookie. He's going to feel like a real butthead when he figures out you were attacked."

"I don't know...he doesn't really let people get a word in unless it suits him. I could have explained."

"Sang, the last thing you need to do is worry about North. You've just been through a trauma."

"As long as I didn't catch anything from the ceiling dweller, I think I'm just fine, Dr. Green." I crossed my arms over my chest, drawing up my knees.

"Do you like music, Sang?" Dr. Green fiddled with the radio for a moment as we drove. He left the station on the oldies when I gave the OK. Dr. Green reached out and took my hand.

His fingers warmed mine. "Your call scared the hell out of me, Sang."

"I'm okay though."

"You held your own." He paused. "That was a grown man, Sang. You took him down like a professional."

"It was self-defense...and he wasn't that big."

We arrived at the hospital and Dr. Green brought me down to the lab. "Usually a nurse would do a blood draw, but if you don't mind, I would rather not let you out of my sight." He ran a hand through his curly blond hair.

"Blood draw?"

"Yep. Three vials, I'm thinking." He readied a needle and cleaned a spot on my arm.

"I-I've never gotten a shot, Dr. Green."

He looked up then, his green eyes full of something I didn't quite understand.

"I-Is this going to hurt?"

"Just...don't tense up, Pookie."

I nodded. The needle went in. It didn't hurt too much, but it still kind of freaked me out to watch three vials fill with my dark red blood.

"Sang, if you don't keep conscious, I'll be forced to kiss you right there." He touched my bottom lip and I snapped up.

"You wouldn't dare!"

He grinned, looking devilishly handsome as he leaned forward. My heart stopped as Dr. Green's lips softly brushed against mine before pulling back.

"I would dare, Pookie."

"I...could have gotten something, and now you could have. Why would you do that?" My first kiss on the lips. My first kiss on the lips. My heart was screaming.

"Whatever you have, I'll get eventually." He didn't elaborate further as he handed the blood off to a tired-looking nurse and asked her to run the labs now. "Come here. We're going to get a look at that hand."

"Dr. Gr--?"

"Sean." The doctor murmured. "After this, I think you can call me Sean."

"Dr. G--"


"Sean," I repeated, blushing. "You're my teacher."

His green eyes settled on my lips. "I'm just pretending to be a teacher, Sang. You're seventeen. I'm nineteen, and when you're ready for another kiss, all you have to do is ask."

My cheeks flared.

Would I want him to kiss me again?

He turned away.

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