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-Chapter 32-

Dr. Sean Green's POV:

My heart was racing. It had been since the moment we realized that psychopath Hendricks was on the loose.

The first thing I had done was search the principal's office to find his scrambler. It was hidden in a file cabinet. It looked like it had been lost in the drawer, beneath a stack of folders that had not been touched since the previous school year.

It seemed strange the item had been untouched for so long. The scrambler couldn't have been put there on accident. I winced when I saw the brand name on the scrambler.

Morgan Corporation.

Victor's father owned a multimillion dollar technology company that was originally funded by mixers exhibiting his son, Victor Morgan: the Pianist Protégé.

The technology company made everything from special brand laptops to elite tracking and facial recognition equipment for the government.

The specific scrambler Hendricks had in his office was a pricey one. We're talking an $8,000 piece of equipment, and somehow I knew that was out of the budget for a low-end principal running a school full of delinquents.

Well, unless Hendricks was in fact responsible for the missing funding at Ashely Water's High School. I wouldn't put it past him.

Though, given the location of where the scrambler was hidden, it was possible Hendricks didn't screw up our video feed on purpose. The scrambler may not even be his.

If someone else placed the scrambler, it would mean that someone else wanted to make sure that no one had eyes on Hendricks.

And that same someone who placed the scrambler, had likely done so to protect themselves.

Hendricks was not acting alone in these kidnapping.

"Sean." Owen said my name so quietly, that for a moment I wasn't sure he had spoken. "Sean, we are almost to the destination."

None of our brothers slept.

North was glaring out the window; an exhausted Luke leaned against his arm. Victor was beside them, typing furiously on his laptop. In the row behind them, Silas was hunched over muttering in Greek, praying from what I understood. Nathan was on his phone, Gabe was rubbing at his eyes, and Kota was leaned against the seat, eyes closed as he counted. He was half way to a million.

"I'm worried. What if we don't get there in time?"

Owen's steel eyes flashed behind his glasses. "We will. We're Academy, and I think Miss Sorenson, herself, is much stronger than we give her credit for."

"My Trouble is feisty as hell. Hendricks is going to regret trying to fuck with her."

Silas slapped Gabe upside the head.

"Poor word choice," Nathan groaned, throwing his head back. "I'm going to wring that sonofabitch's throat."

His comment was echoed by other violent proposals.

"I knew I should have brought a led pipe," I grumbled.


Sang Sorenson's POV:

The man's big hand encompassed mine in the darkness of the closet. He was waiting for the men who had run by to give up their search for us, or at least move to another section of the building.

"Your wrists are bleeding." I felt the stranger's eyes on me in the darkness.

"It doesn't matter," I answered.

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