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-Chapter 29-

Kota Lee's POV:

Mr. Blackbourne had informed our team of the situation regarding Mr. Hendricks this morning.

The knowledge of him having photos of girls from his school under lock and key disturbed me greatly, and why would he have Sang's picture so soon? When had he taken it?

I lowered my eyes to the basic geometry textbook I covered seven years ago. This school was a damn nightmare. I couldn't take any advanced courses. The material was made up of lessons I had already learned, and the pace that we went through the content was glacial at best.

It took all my strength not to drop my face on my desk and groan.

Mr. Blackbourne told me to treat this year as a refresher for my studies, but after one week, I knew that I would have to be taking several classes on the side between missions and my newfound time with Sang.


Just the thought of her did something to my heart. The sight of her all bruised up and not being able to do anything had been haunting. I hadn't been sleeping well, not that it mattered when my education consisted of this tripe.

My phone vibrated and I propped up my textbook to hide my soon-to-be texting self from the teacher.

Not that it mattered.

Mr. Clark was asleep at his desk anyhow.

Victor!: The fact that the principal has pictures of Sang makes me nervous. I'm putting up cameras in his office, can you get out of there to help? Luke is preoccupied.

By preoccupied, I knew he meant Luke had a class with Sang. If I was in class with her, I wouldn't leave either.

Me: Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem.

I dipped out of class and no one so much as glanced my way. Victor was leaning up against the brick wall outside the door. His arms were crossed and his eyes were dark with determination.

"Hendricks left his office about four minutes ago. You'll never guess who's class he went to."

Sang's. Hell, this could be much more serious than anticipated if he was blatantly stalking Sang above all the other girls he had taken pictures of. "Luke and North are in her class. We're at school. Hendricks can't do anything here."

Victor shook his head as we slipped through the halls. Lucky for us, the receptionist had taken an early lunch and we were able to get into Mr. Hendricks's office without any witnesses, and then Victor was breaking out his black duffle bag.

He wired the place so that we would have a video feed and hid a few well-placed bugs.

"Are we doing phone taps?" I asked as Victor's nibble fingers worked the feeds through the room.

He nodded. "Couldn't consider ourselves professionals if we didn't."

I smiled at that, and a few minutes later we were diving out the office window as Mr. Hendricks approached. Victor and I ran like ninjas across the field and into the school parking lot before Victor pulled his laptop out from his duffle bag.

"We did well," he breathed as the computer came to life. He accessed the mainframe, bringing up a black screen as he entered in a page of binary code. "Annnnd, we're in."

The screen became filled with several camera angles of Mr. Hendricks office. From our vantage we could see the entire room.

Currently, Hendricks was seated at his desk facing his computer, and what was on the screen had me choking back bile.

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