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-Chapter 12-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

It was my alarm clock that woke me Thursday morning, and with my alarm's incessant blaring the reality of my situation came crashing down on top of me.

Dr. Green had been in my house.

Dr. Green knew about my injuries and suspected the truth as to how I got them.

Dr. Green was friends with Mr. Blackbourne and the other seven men I had suddenly found myself involved with...well maybe involved wasn't the right word. North hated me.

He didn't think I was cool. North thought I was quiet and blushed too much and giggled. He didn't want me near them. He said I wasn't their friend. And I suppose I wasn't.

I only had met them all a few days ago, and now with Dr. Green suspecting what he suspected...my best option was to cut them all off. The others would think North chased me away, and Dr. Green...I would have to drop his class.

That's alright, I assured myself. I would need to drop the other classes too and start fresh. I didn't need to have every one of my classes filled with those boys.

I turned off my alarm clock and went to shower before dressing carefully. I chose a pair of cargo pants and a cute shirt, fashionable enough that Gabriel wouldn't come storming up to me when he first caught sight of my attire.

When I saw myself in the mirror, I thought I looked pretty good. The deep bruise on my cheekbone had softened to a sickly blue-green and the place where my lip had split when Mother had struck me across the face was healing nicely.

I left my blonde hair down so that it would cover most of the bruise.

The walk to school was about a mile. It wasn't too far, but it gave me enough time to clear my head, not to mention loosen my aching muscles. The last of those white pills were wearing off.

The wind was brisk, but I didn't mind it. A little chill was nothing compared to the anxiety I felt on the bus ride going into school.

There was still a sharp aching across my abdomen as I walked and my right knee threatened to give out a time or two, but I managed. I wonder what Mr. Blackbourne did with that kitten. The little creature had cost me a beating. Don't get me wrong, it was worth it, but I hoped that he found it a good home.

The school came into sight over a hilltop. Head straight to the office, I reminded myself. I couldn't be deterred. If I didn't get out of those classes with the boys, we would have to move again.

My family couldn't afford that.

We were supposed to stay in Charleston for at least a year. I would be eighteen by then, and Marie would have graduated.

The thought of Marie had me groaning.



I still had to find a way to get her that fifty dollars by Friday...or did I? Marie had ratted me out to Mother about the fight yesterday...but a fight had nothing to do with my new friends.

Hell, my new friends hadn't even been there.

New friends, I couldn't think like that anymore. I had no friends.

North knew I didn't belong with them.

At least this way I wouldn't owe Marie any money. She would have no secrets to tell and there was no one for Mother to find out about.

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