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-Chapter 36-

North Taylor's POV:

Silas had Sang cuddled in his fucking arms and I still had not gotten so much as a hello.

I was done waiting.


She peeked up from the giant's chest. Her green eyes were like an arrow in my heart and I innerly cursed myself for falling victim to such a spell.

"Sang, I'm sorry for what happened."

She smiled slightly. "Why? It's not like it's your fault."

"I should have stuck around and made sure you got inside safe."

"Oy, what you should have done is check the cameras before you let her in that house."

"Cameras?" Matthew asked, looking to Gabe for confirmation. Little fucker should learn to keep his mouth shut.

"Yeah, Vic hooked them up because Sang was having trouble at home. We needed to know when things got really bad so we could get her out. Can't have my Trouble getting into any more trouble." He winked at Sang.

"We had the opportunity to review the footage, Miss Sorenson. There are some things you should be aware of--"

"Like the fact your cunt mother purposely let this happen, Trouble--"

"Mr. Coleman, quiet!"

Gabe shut his mouth, though in his defense, I couldn't have said it better myself.

"I figured," Sang muttered. "I guess she was serious about making some money off me."

Dr. Green snorted. "Don't worry, Pookie. North gave her a piece of our minds."

"Miss Sorenson, was it Mr. Hendricks who took you?"

"There was a bag over my head. I could hear voices. One was Mr. Hendricks. The other I didn't recognize..."

"Do you remember what the men were talking about, Miss Sorenson?"

She was quiet a moment. "Hendricks said he broke my head open, but the other guy didn't think he hit me hard enough because I was waking up."

Silas inhaled sharply, and I knew then he was making a list of people who would pay.

"The guy said something about Hendricks needing to get his act together if he wanted to be a long term member, like that place was a club or something..." Sang went on. "They were talking about f-fucking my mom...and then about how Hendricks had been bringing a lot of people in for them."

My brothers had gone ridged in their seats. The only one who didn't look completely disturbed was Matthew.

"Sounds like the head honcho took you in. I haven't managed to see his face yet, but the guy must run the entire operation himself. There's no partner, only recruits. He has new men bring in one girl as their contribution in order to join the group.

"It keeps their operation a secret because everyone involved has a serious crime to keep quiet. From what I'm hearing, Hendricks must have done his homework before picking up Sang. He chose her because she's a ghost bird--"

"I prefer the term shadow wolf." Sang interrupted. Matthew couldn't hide his smirk. Shit, I thought. They already have inside jokes.

"Whatever Mr. Hendricks discovered was enough for him to know he could pay off Sang's mother," I said finally. "We walked in there and the lady was counting a briefcase full of money. After reviewing the footage, we confirmed--"

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