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-Chapter 38-

Luke Taylor's POV:

Sang came in looking like a dream. I use the word dream because she was smiling much more than she ought to be.

She even giggled when Nathan scooped her up into a spinning hug. She hugged him back, the lucky bastard.

She went to Kota next. I heard her apologize for earlier, when she had flinched away from his touch. Kota sighed, hugging her. He even pressed a kiss to her hair and told her everything was alright.

"Trouble..." Gabe already had his arms open wide as he swooped in and stole Sang away.

I was next.

Sang hugged me fiercely, burying her face into my blue shirt, mumbling something.

"What was that, Sugar?"

"I said, I really missed you."

She rose up on her tiptoes.


The doctor's voice made Sang's entire face flush red. "Yes?"

"You should get changed into some pajamas and we will watch a movie out here."

"I'll go with her!" Gabe piped up as Sang looked around.

"Where's Victor?"

Gabe's shoulders slumped slightly, but then Sang took his hand.

"Victor had some things he wanted to take care of at home. He should be back later tonight." A look passed between Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne. "Silas went with him, so he'll be back later, too."

"Come on, Trouble." Gabe took her upstairs, leaving me with the awkward people.

"So..." I said, raising an eyebrow at Dr. Green. "You kind of cock blocked me when Sang got on her tiptoes there."

The doctor ran a hand through his sandy blond hair. "I don't know what you're talking about, Luke."

Even Mr. Blackbourne raised an eyebrow at that. "Sean, what are you hiding?"

The doctor shrugged. "Nothing. I just...thought she should put on something a little more comfortable...and perhaps keep her distance from you all until I have a chance to discuss that Sang may or may not feel the desire to be with all of us."

Nathan choked on his soda. "She, what?"

"We've talked about it before. She likes all of us, and if we are all okay with it, then I see no reason not to proceed." Dr. Green shrugged.

Kota's cheeks were on fire, though he said nothing.

I was surprised to find a big grin on my face.

This could change everything.


Victor Morgan's POV:

I felt better with Silas here. It was too soon to tell the others, but Silas I could trust. It had been like this since he had joined our family.

As quiet as he was, Silas was very observant and he was the first to figure out that my father had still been burning me and worse over the years.

"So, are you going to tell me about that necklace now, Victor?" the Greek asked, tilting his head to the side.

I found myself hesitating, and Silas smiled.

"Come now, there's no secrets between brothers. Share the burden here." He put a hand over his heart.

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