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-Chapter 19-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

At the end of the day I was still mute, and I had a very special detention to get to.

Mr. Hendricks was waiting for me in his office, though I have to admit, I was pleased that I wasn't the only student in the room. Two other boys were sitting side by side and next to them sat a girl with long dark hair.

No one spoke as Mr. Hendricks studied us. "Do you all know why you're here?"

I nodded and so did the boys, but the dark haired girl rolled her green eyes.

"No. I didn't do anything."

"You'll be quiet now, Jade."

She rolled her eyes again, crossing her arms over her chest, but kept her mouth shut.

"You'll stay here for an hour, and then you're free to leave." Mr. Hendricks grabbed his briefcase and headed for the door. "If you end up in here a second time, I'll be making you write essays."

I thought it was weird Mr. Hendricks would leave kids unattended during detention, but I guess the principal had other places to be...and so did the other students who had detention with me.

I waited the entire hour before leaving.

No one came to check on us, but I rather be safe than sorry when Mr. Hendricks had been making a habit of calling my parents.

Nathan was waiting for me in the parking lot. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt that showed off his muscles and a pair of washed out jeans. He smiled when he saw me, which was something I was getting used to.

"How was it?" he asked, taking my backpack, and then he seemed to remember I couldn't talk and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

I shrugged, but my eyes went wide when his hand caught mine and he gave me a tug so I was facing him.

"Sang, since it's Friday, do you think you'd be able to come hang out with us? We were going to go to my place for a little while and we could have you home without anyone noticing you're gone..."

I hesitated.


Nathan's blue eyes would have had me tripping over my words, so it was nice that I only had to nod and smile before the young man was pulling me in for a hug. He was really strong, I realized then, with my face pressed against his muscled chest.

"Excellent. Try to stay out of trouble until we come for you tonight, okay?"

I smiled slightly and nodded again.

Okay, okay. I did agree to go to a boy's house behind my parents' backs so I suppose Gabriel was right to call me Trouble, but at the moment, all I could worry about was what I was going to wear.

I found myself in my room dressed in two different shoes, half a shirt and my underwear as I held up two more blouses to myself in the mirror.

I never had to do this before. I had never cared how I looked. I had never bothered with matching or took the time to wonder if a skirt was too formal or if jeans were too casual all the while longing for the comfortability of my sweatpants that were a size too large.

In the end I found myself in a thin hoodie that Gabriel had picked out. It was a grey-green pull over and with it I wore a dark skirt that went to my knees and a dark pair of shoes that Gabriel had picked out, too.

I looked over my appearance and realized that Gabriel had picked out almost everything I was wearing...and I was strangely okay with it.

He knew what he was doing.

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