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-Chapter 23-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

Simba was curled up in my lap as I ducked my head behind Gabriel's shoulder. Nathan had put on a horror movie to get us on our toes for later tonight, and I was not digging it.

So far a girl had been gutted by some freak in a white mask and was hung from a tree for her parents to find.

May I just say, WTF?

Gabriel was laughing at me, North was silent, and Nathan was leaned forward intently watching the characters move about on the screen.

"Oy, Trouble..."

Gabriel finally managed to get a hold on me and Simba let out an angry mew as he leapt onto the coffee table and launched himself into North's arms, purring.

Gabriel pulled me across his lap. "There we go!"

"I don't want to see--" I squealed as someone was gutted and ducked my head. I wasn't sure how I felt sitting on Gabriel's lap, but at least it was easier to hide my face.

The boys teased me until Mr. Blackbourne returned with Silas. I thought it was strange that he drove with a teacher, but then again, they were all doing a play together or something...

And Hendricks had made some comment that they all knew one another from a private school. Private schools had to be way different than Ashley Waters, or any other school I had ever known.

They probably had fountains filled with Orange Fanta and like...marble staircases, and only had classes three times a week because the students were so smart they didn't have to go.

Luke came through the door a minute later, a handful of movie tickets in his fist. "Here we go guys." He pulled out five straws from his other pocket. "A straw for each of us, two have been cut short, and the shortest of those two will determine who shall get to sit in the date seat with Sang Sorenson! The longer of the two will determine the seat of the man who shall be separated by the arm rest! Choose wisely men..."

Everyone was up at once.

Gabriel deposited me on the couch before joining the others. They all closed their eyes and suddenly everyone had a straw in hand.

Luke pulled long.

Nathan pulled long.

Gabriel pulled long. "Motherfucker!"

My gaze went to Silas who was grinning widely as he held up half a straw. "You're mine tonight, Aggele."

North cleared his throat, holding up a fourth of a straw, and then everyone was cursing.

North was going to sit next to me in a date seat? I wasn't sure how I felt about that. No one had told me what happened last night when I had been drinking, but the last thing I remembered was being around North.

Maybe something weird had happened and I just didn't remember. He had asked to brush my hair after all. That was definitely weird.

I tried not to look uncomfortable, but North and I had maintained a pretty rocky relationship during this entire week that we had known each other. In fact, I was pretty sure today was our week-iversary.

Maybe North was just like, having his man period or something because I didn't get him a gift.

His dark eyes narrowed on my face as if he could read my mind. Oh shit.

Was he the dark version of Edward Cullen?

If he was a vampire, then all of this would make sense. The mind reading, the freaky way that they all seemed to work in unison. Mr. Blackbourne could be the coven leader which would explain why he always wore suits. (It was because he was really really old), but most of all, the vampire thing would explain why they were all so good looking.

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