Chapter three: Another Hottie

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Hey Guys! So I finally got 30 reads!!! YAY!!!!!!! lol. Well my next goal is 45 reads and I hope you all continue to read and bare with me. Get ready for an exciting chapter; you wont even imagine what's going to happen!


 I sat quitely in the back seat of Derek's car thinking about my incredibly weird situation. I wondered if I annoyed them enough, they would just maybe take me home. Yet, deep inside of my heart I knew I wanted to go with these two hot guys just for the hell of it. Suddenly we were in Brookside; a more prestigous part of town. We pulled up to a gorgeous house that should have be described as a freaking mansion! I mean, the place was beautiful and huge!!! I was in complete shock and had no idea what to do. I felt like I didnt belong here at all. My normal middle class self was like an eyesore in this place. I sat in the car for a few minutes not knowing what to do until I realized Max and Derek were waiting for me at the door and looked at me like I was slow.

I felt so awkward as I walked through the front door. But then I saw the interior. It was like nothing i had ever seen before. There was a spiral staricase on both sides of the front room that led to the upstairs. There were victorian style paintings, statues, and decor that added to the faciness of the house. The kitchen was right off to the left through a hallway and was completely modern compared to the front living room. From the kitchen we entered a seperate room that was connected to an office. There I saw an elderly man cleaning in a tux.

"What the hell! You have a freaking butler!!!" I screamed! "Oh my gosh is your name Bob?" I was beyond excited! I had never seen an actual freaking butler in real life before.

"No madam...I presume you belive I am British as well correct?" He replied in a monotone voice.

"Well, now that I think about it you seem kinda French? So your name must be something like Pierre?" This guy was actually quite easy to talk to.

"Not all Frnch people are named Piere! I really have no idea why you Americans just simply assume I have such a disgusting name such as Pierre!" He screamed at no one in particular. I think i hit a nerve or something because he looked like he was going to explode!

"I'm very sorry Mr. Butler Sir. I mean if you just tell me your name...things wouldnt be so weird right?" I tried to seem casual about the circumstance we were in but all hope was lost. The boys had left me with the scary weird butler and I had no idea what to do.

"Miss, it seems as though the gentlemen have left the premissis. Shall I give you a grand tour of the house?" Well this was just great. "You may call me Jean-Claude."

"Aw shucks. Well JC I'm waiting for my so called grand tour?" I said while playfully tapping my foot impatiently. Jean-Claude seemed like he was in his thirties and he was pretty cool when he was being nice. The guy actually knew how to smile!

After viewing the entire house, all three floors and several different rooms, I saw a strange figure laying face down in the indoor pool on the third floor. Yes there was an indoor pool and God knows how on earth they got one in there. " JC! Do something!" I was kinda freaking out. Well I was actually going histerical because there might have been a dead guy in the pool!

"Calm down miss. Its simply Lucas." JC was seriously acting as if dead guy in the pool was a normal day to day thing.

In order to make sure the guy ws not dead, I threw a beach ball at him and the guy flipped over and started flailing around in the pool. I just started cracking up  because it was freaking hilarious. JC was running around the pool trying to give the kid some pole to grab onto so he wouldnt sink and drown! Then JC freaking tripped over the chairs near the end of the pool and fell into the water! In all of my stupidity as i was laughing the guy in the pool pulled me in! I had a minor heart attack because I was almost dying for goodness sake!

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