Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Blake’s POV-

          How long does studying take? I am currently in my office, trying to distract myself with pack work. But I am also waiting. Waiting for Anna and Eris to call it quits on studying and come down to eat, I mean it 8 o’clock. They have been working for 5 hours!!!! Maybe I should go up if they want something. The thought of doing something nice for our mate makes my mate smile. I am in the middle of walking out of my office when I get a mind link from Anna, ‘Almost doe. Wow this lady is persistent. Whenever I ask if we can get something to eat she always waves me off and says she isn’t hungry. I can tell she is though, I guess she really wants to get this work done’ ‘Ok Anna, see you soon. ’ I reply quickly. Well then, without telling Anna I exit the office and up the stairs towards Anna’s room.

          Before I can knock I hear a voice that has to be Anna’s, “Please Eris, I know you want food. We are both hungry and we have other days to finish the project, Please!!”  “ Ok, ok we can eat. Just let me finish the paragraph.” Then I hear the fast scribbling of a pencil on paper and then there is silence. Then Anna brakes it, “So do you like Blake?” Anna knows I am hear and is using it to her advantage. I hear the scribbling stop and someone sigh, “I really can talk-” “Please Eris. You can trust me. Please. I want to be your friend and you are shutting me out.”

I hear a deeper sigh and then an angelic voice that has to belong to my mate, “I don’t know. He is pretty cute,” I smirk at that, “but I don’t think he like me. I mean. You know what he did on my first day here? Anna he beat the crap out of me. It’s not like it was the first time and it definitely wasn’t the worst but do u know how confusing it is to have some who trips you one day and is trying to be your friend the next? I just don’t know what to trust.” I almost growl when she mentioned that she had gotten worse beating then what I had done.  

Then Anna say something I will forever be grateful for, “you can trust me Eris, Blake is a good guy. He is was a little messed up before he met you but you don’t know how much he regrets what he did to you. If he could take it back he would. He likes you Eris, and I mean LIKES you. You could give him a chance you know, all of us. We won’t hurt you.”

“Why don’t we get that snack now huh?” Said Eris in an awkward tone. I then realized that I was in a position that was about to be compromised. I used my werewolf speed to run downstairs and into the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal quickly and sat down at the island acting causal.

Not long after I heard steps distending the stairs. I heard the shuffling of feet and laughter. Let me just tell you that I almost dropped the bowl at the sound. My mate’s laughter was spectacular. I smiled at the sound at then looked up realizing that the laughter was closer. I look at the door way to see my mate and Anna emerge from the hallway into the kitchen laughing and leaning on each other’s shoulder. The sight of that immediately brought a smile to my face. “What’s up guys? How was studying?” “Great!” Anna hen turns to Eris and says, “Hey I am going to grab a drink from outside. Help yourself to anything. I’ll be right back.

          Then Anna leaves the kitchen leaving Eris leaning on the counter with me sitting in a chair on the other side of her.

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