Chapter 38

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"Hm say Ren do you honestly love me or is it just a thing..." the white haired red-whiskered fanged girl said while eating her ice cream. 

The dark brown headed boy with bright blue orbs look at Nikko and smiled. "Of course I love you..when I first met you and got to know you I knew you were the one for I promised to always be by you side...because I was a life with you Nikko" he sais while eyeing his white hair girlfriend. 

She smiled and began to laugh "why you got to be so cheesy Ren-kun...I mean its cute and all but how do you honestly know I am the one you want in your life..." her voice became quiet and serious..

"How do you know I am the one you want to spend the rest of your life with..." she said.

He remained quiet and smiled. He looked at her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Becasue I know its hard to explain but i feel it here.." he said while placing his hand against his heart. She smiled knowing he was being honest with her. She could see it in his eyes...


"Stop tickling me Ren !" she yelled while he was on top of her tickling her. They were at Rens house spending the day together. 

"Its just funny seeing you like this and cute.." he said then stop and got off of her to hug her and snuggle together.

They were like this for a while until he asked a question "when do you feel like you will be ready Nikko...we are almost about to have two years.." he said while smiling at her.

It wasn't the first time he has asked her...its been like this for a few months now. In all honesty she was ready and wanted him to be her first but something was off. She couldn't see the honest eyes she once saw in him nor the honest love. He may says it but does he mean it...Its been like this for a while now...Also she had this weird gut feeling as well.

"Im not sure..." was all she said as he remained quiet. He would usually smile and peck her forehead while saying I will continue to wait I promise. But he didnt...

Something is off she thought...he couldnt be...would he...


A month just before their two years was when she found out the truth of him cheating on her..and the day he decided to break up with her..

"Why did you do it?" she asked.

"I don't know but I'm sorry..." he said.

"I never knew you would go that low " she said. "Do you still love me?" she asked.

"Yes but I can't be with you....I love you so much though, you mean the world to me" he said then kissed her.

"Then why did you kiss me " she said while breaking away.

"Because like I said I love you but we just can't be together...but I need you to make me a promise." He said while hugging her.

She just pushed him away.

"Why did I ever give you a second chance...Not only did you hurt me once but twice...You broke your promises...Our trust and loyalty between eachother...I hate you...I never want to see you ever again!!!" She yelled as she walked away from him. From the person she fell in love with...

He just stand there while a tear slipped from his eye.."Promise me that in the near future when we are both single to give it another chance...because I do love you and want to have a life with you..." he said whispering it to himself while crossing his heart...

Ever since that day they became complete strangers. They passed eachother as if they didnt know eachother. But knew all too well that they did...

She build up a wall and became cold distant and mean...except for those who brought it down. Because of the breakup she met such incredible people Suigetsu and Ben...

He became sad and empty despite the fact of being with the other girl...But he didnt know what he wanted he was confused..does he love the other girl or Nikko...



They just stared at eachother waiting to see who will speak next. But as I observed her I knew that she has changed. Her eyes show off a glare. She didnt have her usual smile that she will have by just seeing me...

I was about to speak again until someone called her...she had pink short hair such as sakura petals in a blooming spring. With bright emerald eyes. Next to her was a blonde with long hair in a pony tail and kind of sky bluish eyes. The last girl had long ravened colored hair but the same time purple. What caught me off guard were her lavender colored eyes.

"Nikko have you picked out your costume or do you want me to pick it for you for who know who" the blonde hair girl teased her while Nikko blushed. 

You know who...I thought while looking at them..

"Hm Nikko do you know him.."asked the pinknette.

I was waiting to see what Nikko will do...but what she said next shocked me.

"No I dont...I dont know who he is" she said while eyeing me. I became sad and my eyes became from a sparkling encounter with the girl I love to dim sadness.

I smirked though..."Then let me introduce myself to you ladies Ren Ru" I said while smiling at them. 

"Oh well Im Ino Yamanaka" said the blonde. "Sakura Haruno" said the pinknette. "Hinata Hyuga" said the dark haired gal. "Nikko Hatake" she said while I knew all too well. 

"Well since I work here why dont I help you ladies. "I said. 

"Oh we have our costumes we just need our friend here to pick out a special one" says Ino.

"Hm why is that " I said while playing along..

"No need to explain Ino besides I already know what costume I want.." Nikko said while going to the rack and picking out a costume. 

"Alice from Alice in Wonderland..." Sakura says while eyeing the costume.

"Hmm it looks simple.. but I can actually make into your type" says an exciting Ino.

"Arigato Ino chan" says a smiling Nikko. "Well lets pay" says Hinata. I go to the cash register and got there payments from the costume. Hinata finished only leaving Nikko while the other two were outside. 

"Hinata chan can you p-please wait for me" Nikko said. Dammit...

"Hm sure" she said while Nikko payed. 

"I missed you " I said while she tensed up. "I dont know what you are talking about I dont even know you" she coldly said. Then she payed and left with her friend.



I was shaking...why...I felt so many emotions all at once...even love...but I am not suppose to feel love...why. 

I noticed Sakura and Ino were ahead of us. We were going back to school. I noticed my tail and ears coming back...thank god for that special medical herb Tsunade and my mom made. It is suppose to hide your animal representation once out of school. Once you get close enough back to the school they will come back. 

"It was him wasn't it Nikko Chan" Hinata said bringing me put of my thoughts.

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