Chapter 28

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"Um guys I don't think I'm going to the masquerade ball. I don't even have a date. Besides I'm not really into it. And we can't leave campus to buy the dresses and mask" I said while sweat dropping.

They stared at me for a while....

Hinata was just looking back and forth.

"Well there are tons of guys who would love to go with you. Come on it's your first and last year here. Make some memories." Sakura said while doing her cute kitty eyes.

"Yeah and we could get off campus on Saturday's. we just need to check out and in before curfew. That's all" Ino added while they began smiling at me for a yes.

"Come on Nikko it will be fun..." says Hinata Chan.

"Arg fine I'll go with you guys" I said while continuing to read my manga as they cheered. They gave us the details and left.

I went to go look at my allowance.
Hm seems I'm short.

"Hey Nikko are you short." Says Hinata Chan while counting her allowance.

"Hmm yeah ... we may need to get a job." I say while counting what I had.

"We can look at the job board. There are jobs that allow us to work. And the owners are aware who we truly are so we won't have to hide." She says smiling.

"Seems legit." I says. Soon we walked out and locked out dorm to go to the job board

Once there we noticed that there weren't many jobs. Just like three...

One involved working as a thanks.

The other one was working in the bookstore...maybe I like that one.

But the last one caught my eye..

Sunflower's Cafe
We need a waitress and waiter
For more information talk to Hatake Kakashi.

Something about the name caught my attention. It reminds me of something but what....

Short flashback
"Mommy look do you like it." Little Nikko said.

"Yes it's lovely but care to explain what is it" she asked.

"It's a mini cafe where we can sell your delicious cakes and daddy can sell his yummy drinks. And I can decorate the tables with my paper sunflowers. It's called Sunflower's Cafe." Says little Nikko.

"Sounds like a great idea." Nikko looked up from her drawing to the women whom she called mommy. But she couldn't see her face just her soft brown hair and kind smile.

End of short flashback.

"Nikko you okay I've been calling your for a while now" says Hinata.

"Huh oh yeah just remember something..." I say while making a note of talking to big brother Gaara bout it. Whenever I remember something I always tell him. And he takes note of it just in case I forget.

Looking at the Sunflower's CAfe I smiled.

I did work as a waitress in the Sand Village with Suigetsu and Benny at a small Diner.

"Hey Hinata found one you like..." I say while taking the sunflower cafe one.

"Hm yeah I think I'm going to work for the bookstore. Seems peaceful and I love books. They need two worker and it seems I'm the second one. So why not..what bout you Nikko Chan" she says while taking the bookstore paper.

"I'm going to go for the cafe one..." I said while noticing someone else went for it too since I took the last flyer.

Hm wonder who...

Soon we both went off to find our information guy. Apparently for Hinata she has to go to Jiraiya sensei.

As for me I'm going to Kakashi sensei. Well let's see how this goes and whom will I be working with.

I was looking through my allowance and noticed that I've just wasted it all. Great Kiba just great.

I look to Shino and noticed he has all of it. Well his family is rich....

Ugh....I need a job.

"I'll be back Shino going to go look at the job board" I yelled while walking out.

Soon I met up with Naruto and Sauske.

"Hey guys where you headed." I asked.

"Dobe over here needs a job. So do I so we are making our way to the job board." He said.

"Hey?! I still don't understand why you getting a job. Your brother Itachi can give you the money" Naruto yelled.

" I like to be independent Dobe." He said while walking. Soon we both joined.

Once up in the board Sauske picked the last job opening for working at a pizza place.

Great I wanted that one.

"Well see you guys later. " he said while walking off to get the information.

Soon I decided to get the Sunflowers Cafe one.

Naruto ended up getting the bookstore.

"Hey at least I get to work with my godfather. Dattebayo" he said while walking off.

Hm seems I have to go see Kakashi.

While Nikko walked in she noticed Kiba.

Her kitty ears perked up. Noticing him made her feel weird. Like butterflies in her stomach....

"Ohayo Nikko what can I do for you" Kakashi sensie asked bringing her out of her trance.

"Hai I am interested working in the at Sunflower Cafe" she says while walking into the classroom.

"Alright tell me why I should hire you and You Kiba" he says while pointing at each of them.

Kiba seemed to be thinking as to what he can say to impress Kakashi sensie as Nikko immediately spoke up.

"I use to work at a diner at the Sand Village as a waitress. I can get you a resume if you want. " she said while smiling. Kakashi only nodded.

Then he looked at Kiba.
"Oh....uh......Hm...I seriously got nothing but I really want the job Kakashi sensei please." He said while begging.


"Fine both of you get the job." He said.

"Yes now who is the boss Kakashi sensei" the students said while high five each other.

"Me and Mimi of course" he said.

It took the students to process this until it them.

Their teacher Kakashi sensei is going to be their boss.

"NANI?!?!?" they yelled while Kakashi smiled under his mask.

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