Chapter 34

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Finally work was over and Nikko knew who her parents were. She remembered her past and where she is from. Her San siblings are glad and decided to live in the leaf village along with their sister who attends KHS.

Kiba and Nikko have gotten closer but yet she keeps her distance. Everyone finally knows who she is and who are her parents. Storm still messes with her but Principle Tsunade has made a restriction on Storm from getting close to Nikko.

Finally everything is going smoothly for them. All they have to worry about is to find a cure for their curses. And trying to control their inner demon when it comes to Nikko and Naruto. Finally it's Best Friends Day. And Nikko just couldn't wait to see her two best friends Benny and Suigetsu. Oh how she waited for this day to come.

Oh god how I waited for this day. And I saved just enough money to go out on this special day. I woke up really early and got dressed.

I wore my top crop loose dark green shirt. Along with black skinny jeans and my back low top converse. I'm not much of a girly girl. I'm more of a Tom boyish but I like it. I did my hair and put into a side braid. With some eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my midnight blue ribbon and tied onto my wrist.I look at myself in the mirror and noticed that its been a while since I last hidden my ears and tail...I smiled...

I have finally become comfortable with them and my whiskered fang marks too. 

Beep beep

Huh my phone I opened it and saw a group chat text.

Ben: hey Nikko we r here just checking in

Suigetsu: yeah we will wait outside. By the giant fountain and Sakura trees.

I smiled and immediately texted back.

Nikko: Hey guys on my way XD

I grabbed my keys and money and was about to quickly dashed out the door until Hinata spoke."You seem awfully excited Nikko" she said smiling at me while fixing her hair. 

"Hm yeah i cant wait to see my friends I missed them so much, if you want later on today we can meet up and I can present them to you guys, including my siblings from the sand" I said while she simply nodded and I dashed out. Not before she yelled "dont forget we are going shopping tomorrow!!!" 

"Okay!!!" I yelled.

I passed most of my friends and just waved at them while they just thought I was going crazy. I smiled. I was about to walk out until my parents stopped me. 

"AAHHH" I bumped in to my dads quite buffed chest. Hm not bad dad...I thought

I quickly looked up at them and smiled. They smiled back and handed me a small cute sunflower hand purse. "For me..?" asked while I grabbed it and looked at it.

"Yes and open it to look inside" said my mom. I opened it to reveal a small sunflower bracelet and some money...

"Its not much-

I didnt let them finished. I loved the bracelet and I honestly dont care about the money. I hugged them so hard and they just smiled and laughed...

Soon I let go and noticed Benny and Suigetsu running at me. "Nikko!!!"They yelled and attacked me into a huge hug. 

"Guys can't breathe"I said and soon they let go. They both rubbed the back of their necks and smiled. "Gomen Gomen" They said. 

"Oh guys meet my and dad.."I smiled at them and presenting them my parents...

They smiled and introduced themselves.

"Suigetsu" he said while showing off his shark like grin.

"A pleasure to meet you" my mom said while my dad smirked under his mask.

"Benny" my other friend said. "Nice to meet you too son" my mom smile while she looked at us. 

"Well then you only got one day so go have fun kiddo" my dad said and soon I was off to the leaf village. And let me tell you this I so got this all planned out. 

First we are to the sakura trees, then we are gonna go eat at ramen ichiraku, naruto told me its the best place for ramen. Then we are gonna go to some of the stores to look and maybe buy stuff. Then to this one bbq restraunt that choji told me about where we will meet my siblings. And lastly we are going ice skating. Where I will present my family and friends from the sand to the leaf and vise versa. 

"So do you got a plan for today kitty" said suigetsu while hugging me and deciding to give me a piggy back ride. 

"Hm yeah i got this day all planned out so my trusty steed off we go the journey in finding the Sakura tree park" i yelled while Suigetsu laughed.

Benny just tagged along to our weirdness. I mean he is weird but not on the level on where Suigetsu and I are in.

"Alright lets get this day started!" Ben yelled.

"Come on precious kitty we only got today" Suigetsu yelled. And off we went without knowing someone was staring at us and listening, taking in the wrong impression that those three are only friends, especially Suigetsu and Nikko. 


Finally a break from school. The gang is going to hang out all day. Before I left I grabbed a letter and sunflower to leave for Nikko. In the letter it says for her to be my date for the ball. I hope she likes it since she doesnt really like attention. I passed by her dorm and slide it down the door. Im surprised I was able to pass the sunflower. Soon I was making my way to the meet up spot and as I was passing by the hall I noticed Nikko running with a huge smile on her face....Hmm wonder wheres she going. 

Soon we all met up and I noticed Nikko wasn't here."Hey guys wheres nikko" I asked and Hinata spoke up.

"She already had plans with two of her friends from the sand. They came to visit her."She said. 

I felt sad I really wanted to hang out with her today.

Soon we all walked out and we were about to leave until Naruto said "wait!!!" We all stared at him in confusion.

"Hehe can someone wait for me...I forgot my phone..."he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure Kiba its your turn we will meet up with you at the candy store."Sauske said while they left leaving me without a reason to protest I glared at Naruto who immedialty dashed towards his dorm. 


I was lost in my own thoughts until I heard a group of three. A white haired guy with purple eyes and shark like teeth. He was wearing black skinny jeans and vans. With a dark purple t shirt. And another guy, he had light brown hair and green eyes.He was wearing a white vans t shirt with blue skinny jeans and white vans. The guy with purple eyes was carrying a girl. She looks awfully familiar. 

Until she turned around I noticed it was Nikko...

I felt a slight tug in my chest that this guy was so close to her and carrying her. I felt anger...

"So kitty lets go" he yelled and off they ran...could it be they are....going out...reason why she doesnt have interest in me...yes? no? i dont know anymore....

"I told you she wasnt worth it Kiba kun..." I turned around and noticed Storm.

"How would you know" I said with anger.

"Look at the way she smiles with them. Especially the handsome fella with the unique purple eyes. Come on forget about her and give me a chance...I will let you think about it. The ball isnt until Sunday...let me be your date" she said. As her tail came by my face and under my nose as she left me there dumbfolded. 

Thinking about what I should do. I just asked Nikko. I can't leave her can I...should i go with Storm and give her another chance. Fuck I dont know anymore...

"Hey lets go " said Naruto who brought me out of my thoughts. "Hm you okay" he said 

"Yeah Im fine" I said. 

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