Charter 29

250 5 13

"Surprise now are you. Well Mimi and I started this cafe a few years ago. It was slow at first so we were able to handle it. But now more people are coming. " Kakashi sensei said while the students process the moment that their teacher is now their boss as well.

The students smiled and let Kakashi continue with the information they needed.

Kakashi gave the students their key and locker number for their uniform and they will begin to work tomorrow. They will need to change into their uniforms there so they will need to go early.

Soon both students got out and walked to their dorms. They needed sleep since tomorrow is also the night classes.

They said their goodbye and each went their different ways.

I finally made it to my dorm and once I walked in I saw a pacing Hinata while Kibo was sleeping on my bed.

"Ohayo Hinata how did it go for you did you get the job" I say while calming her down and making her sit on the bean bag.

"Y-y-yes t-the only p-problem is t-that--

I couldn't take it anymore
"SPIT IT OUT !" I yelled from frustration she has never stutter this bad.

"I HAVE TO WORK WITH NARUTO KUN !!" she yelled while blushing like crazy and having her hands tight into a fist while having them close to her cheeks.


I immediately sat down in front of her and smiled.

"Okay first calm down and breathe and tell me everything." I said while smiling like a five year old.

Hinata calmed herself and began her flashback.

Hinata Flashback.

Hmm from what I remember Jiraiya sensei is the owner of this bookstore.

I was making my way to his classroom. I stopped on my tracks when I heard his voice.

"Ohayo godfather! I need a job so why not hire me Dattebayo." He said. Naruto kun...

"I would but you are not responsible. Besides-

"Arg come on why not" Naruto said while pouting.

Soon I made my way inside.

"Ohayo Jiraiya sensei. I was interested in working for your bookstore." I said while smiling. And ignoring Naruto so I wouldn't stutter.

Soon Jiraiya sensei was looking at both of us and smiled.

"I have a great idea. Hinata you are responsible and I trust you. And you will need someone to help you when it comes to organizing the books an etc. So you will be in charge. That way I'll be able to hire Naruto. " he said.

I was shocked...
I'll be working with Naruto kun...alone ....just the both of us...

"So you both are hired...." he said.

End of flashback.

Hinata was beet red while explaining me her side of the story.

Soon she asked me how it went for me. I told her everything. She began smiling at me cause I will be working with Kiba.

Soon we both got ready for bed.

Hinata fell fast asleep. While I needed to video chat with big brother Gaara.

"Ohayo sunflower so tell me what do you remember" he said while we looked into each other eyes and smiled at each other through the laptops.

"Well I remember my mother and father. Well that's what I say to them. This time it was about a cafe that I drew. It's called Sunflowers Cafe. And it's weird because there is a cafe just like that here. Where I'll be working soon. When I was looking at the job board that one caught my eye and that's when I remembered." I say while explains to him and the flyer I have.

"I see well I have done some of my research and apparently you were still from the leaf village. It's where you are right now. But I still haven't found anything about your parents" he said while reading his papers.

"I see...well we do have these pair of professors who have the same surname as me. Their names are Mimi Hatake and Kakashi Hatake. They are also married." I said while smiling at him.

"Ok arigato Nikko. Anything new besides this." He asked.

"Well you know who is trying to contact me. I just ignore him..." I say while clenching my blanket inside my palms.

"I see.." big brother Gaara says while his knuckles turned white.

"But I have met someone he is kind. Caring and just different. But I don't want to rush things." I say.

He smiled then we said our goodbyes.

Soon I felt sleepy and let my eyes closed while going into a compete slumber.

Once I got to my dorm I noticed Shino was doing his homework while listening to music. I just climbed onto the top of my bed an decided to listen to music.

Until I noticed my duffle bag and saw the manga that Nikko let me borrow.

'Your lie in April'

I grabbed the first manga and began reading it.


"Kiba do you need more tissues." Asked Shino while I was crying like a five year old.

"It's just why did she have to die....they were meant to be together she even lied to just be with him...." I said while crying more as Shino handed me another tissue.

(Sorry for any spoilers it's really sad it hit me too I'm even crying right now)

"It's just why do the best people die early....?" I asked while I cried some more. Man Nikko you really c be a deep person. Your books and manga really express who you are.

"Kiba when you're in the garden which flowers do you pick?" Shino asked.

That hit me because I would pick
"The most beautiful ones..." I said.

Now I understand...

Damn Nikko you can really show and teach a person something.

I got to appreciate who inhale in life. Before they go away....

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