Chapter 21

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Soon both students made their way to the girls dorm room. Then they got to the second the floor and made their way to room 207.

Nikko got out her keys to open the door.

"Ohayo Hinata Chan " yelled Nikko to see if Hinata was home. But no answer. She saw a note that said

Went out to the library. Helping Naruto by tutoring him for math and history. See u later at the night classes.


"Hm Hinata is tutoring Naruto. Say Kiba do you mind if I take a quick shower. Then we can go" Nikko said smiling.

"Yeah no problem." He said as Nikko grabbed her stuff and made her way into the shower.

I was looking around their dorm room. Quote organized and they have a lot in common too.

But you can tell the difference in them. Hinata favorite color is lavender. As for Nikko it's a midnight blue.

I was looking at Nikko's desk it had a picture of her old soccer team. Then another of her and her sand siblings. They were all sitting on a couch smiling and laughing under blankets with popcorn. I smiled while looking at the photo. She looked so happy.

I began to look at her book shelf full of many books and manga. So she likes to read anime....a low-key nerd. It's cute...

Soon I heard the door open. I look and saw Nikko coming out dressed in some black ripped jeans with a fairytail shirt. I blushed like crazy. She looked so fucken hot...I quickly shake my head and go back to looking at her bookshelf.

"I see you are admiring my bookshelf." She said while putting on her vans.

She grabbed her duffle bag and put her uniform and other things she needed.

"Yeah who would of thought you were a low-key nerd." I said while looking at one that caught my interest.

"That one is about a piano protege who one day couldn't play the piano. So he decided to stop. Until the girl who is a violinist came into his life but everything that comes in can go right..." she says while grabbing her bag and putting it on her shoulder. And putting on her midnight blue ribbon on her left wrist.

"Read it I'll let you borrow it. Just promise to keep it safe." She said while standing next to me and giving me the other manga that go with it. A total of 3.

I smiled. " promise" I said while putting them in my duffle bag. Soon we made our way out and to the guys dorm.

We made our way to the third floor. Room 305

I opened the door to see if Shino was here. But he wasn't.

"It seems Shino isn't here. " I said.

Soon we both made our way inside.

"So how about I take a shower cause I smell like a dog. If you want use my laptop to find the song. Okay" I said while grabbing my things.

"Okay" she said smiling while climbing to the top bed with it.

"Okay kitty be patient and wait for me" I said while smirking.

"Meow" was all she said I giggled at her child like personality.

Once I walked in his room was quite tidy. I suppose Shino makes him since Kiba tends to be a little disorganized.

From the looks of their room and bed covers. Kiba likes burgundy and Shino a dark green.

Once on top of Kiba bed I opened his laptop. His screen cover was him and his friends.

Soon I went on YouTube to look for the song without lyrics. Only with the music.

Soon I found it and by that time Kiba walked out with a burgundy shirt and black cargos shorts. He soon climbed up and sat next me.

"Ready " he said.

"I guess" I replied while playing the song.

Soon both of us were singing in harmony. And let me tell you this Kiba had a sexy voice.

Once we began to sing I was shocked to hear Nikko. Her voice was soft. And gentle it could just get you hypnotized.

Soon we ended and noticed the time.

Classes start at 8pm

"We should get ready. " Nikko says.

"Yeah I'll ge the bathroom and if you want you get the room. Okay" I sa while getting off.

She simply nodded I grabbed my uniform. It's the same as the day only that the shirt is burgundy with a black tie.

I got off the bed and opened my duffle bag. And got out my night uniform.

This is the night uniform

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This is the night uniform.

I began removing my clothes and putting them in the duffle bag. I was only left in my bra and underwear.

I was beginning to change by putting on my shirt and skirt. Then the jacket like thing on top. Soon Kiba knocked saying if he could come out. I said yes.

Soon he walked out with almost the same as the day time must different color.

I grabbed the scrap that goes with my uniform. I was struggling to tie it.

Soon Kiba walked up to me and helped me.

He was so close me. But what shocked me was what I was feeling. My heart was pacing. Why....

"There...." he said in a husky tone which brought me out of my thought.

"Arigato." I said while looking up into his dark chocolate brown eyes.

We stayed like that for a while until I heard my stomach growled.

I began to blush like crazy.

Kiba began to chuckle. Which brought me to relax and bit and laugh with him.

"Adorable..." he said while walking over to his desk and giving me some chocolate chip cookies.

"Thank you Kiba" I said while eating them and looking for my socks.

Those soft honey brown eyes. I could just stare in them forever. I smiled while looking at her look for her socks as I was sitting in the chair ready to leave.

But what happen next gave me a major nose bleed. Nikko found her socks but when she bent over to get them I saw her black lingerie underwear.

I fell back from the chair while recovering from my nose bleed.

"I'm ready Kiba" she said while looking down at me.

"You okay..." she said while putting on her backpack.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said while blushing at remembering the image.

Soon I got up and we made our way to the night classes. Which in the far back of the school. That look old and abandon in the outside but inside will just blow your mind.

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