This Isn't You

175 16 18

Date: 3-10-17

This chapter starts with Adrian, Monique, Mason, Lucas, Lena, and Jerica watching John cast the spell on Ivie.

This chapter is dedicated to all of my followers and the readers that enjoyed my story. Thank you all!

Now on to the story!


Chapter 47: This Isn't You

Adrian flinches when Ivie suddenly jerks her head to the side. John's fingers don't leave her temple as she moves her head.

John did say Ivie might move around, but Adrian is quickly becoming nervous.

Everyone in the room is holding their breath, not daring to make a sound.

After only a few minutes, John removes his hands and stands up on slightly unsteady legs. Adrian sees John tremble just a tad, but John regains his composure seemingly easily.

"It's done." John says, directing that statement to Adrian, since Adrian is the one who approached John with this issue.

"She'll remember?" Adrian asks to confirm.

"Yes. Ivie might not remember it all yet, but when she wakes up she'll remember most of it. The rest will come back in dreams." John explains.

Adrian nods curtly. "Thanks." He mutters at John.

John turns to him in surprise, but Jerica is speaking up and distracting Adrian.

"So what do we do when she wakes up as vine girl tonight?" Jerica questions.

"We make her feel bad. Guilty. You know, make her feel like she shouldn't be attacking people." Adrian says with a shrug.

Lena sighs in defeat. "Is that the only way you can think of helping Ivie?"

"If I had something else I'd be doing that instead." Adrian says a bit coldly, but he didn't actually mean it that way.

Adrian's frustrated that his life has taken this turn. Where he has to worry (more than usual) about his sister's safety. Where he has to come up with cunning plans to save someone else which, in turn, will save himself.

"Did you need something else from me?" John asks spitefully. John is still upset that Adrian blackmailed him into doing this by threatening his sisters.

"Will she experience any side effects from your spell?" Adrian asks with a suspicious glint in his eyes.

"No. Just the dreams." John reassures Adrian while he turns to stare at Ivie's sleeping form.

"Um, where is Ivie?" John asks suddenly, spinning around to look at everyone.

"No! How did she-?" Adrian stops and rushes over to where Ivie has been sitting in the chair.

Everyone sits in shocked silence, frozen and uselessly doing nothing.

"What are you waiting for?" Adrian shouts at them suddenly. "She's gone and you're just sitting there!"

Adrian takes a deep breath to catch Ivie's scent, only to find there's nothing there.

Lucas shoots up, unfrozen and walks over to the chair next to Adrian. Lucas copies Adrian's assessment of the air.

"Where's her scent?" Lucas demands at Adrian.

"I don't know." Adrian admits, feeling a little numb as he kneels on the ground.

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